Cliffgan Woods


Stretching across the landscape, the Cliffgan Woods dominate the northern boundary of Calimshan, creating a natural barrier were the realm ends. The forest itself extends southward from the base of the Cliffgan Mountains, spreading a deep pine canopy over a vast expanse. It is primarily composed of coniferous trees like towering pines, firs, and spruces. The foliage is thick with rays of sunlight piercing through the canopy, casting shadows along the forest floor. As one ventures deep into the Cliffgan Woods, the landscape changes. Gentle slopes and rolling hills transfer into rocky forest hills and valleys. Crystal clear rivers and cascading waterfall flow down from the mountains, fueling the forest.


The Cliffgan Woods are cool and temperate, as befits a coniferous forest. Summers in the Cliffgan Woods are mild and comfortable, characterized by moderately warm temperatures. The tree canopy provides ample shade, keeping the forest pleasantly cool even on warm days. Rainfall in the summer is moderate, mostly near the start of fall. As fall arrives, the woods transform into a tapestry of color, with the trees growing red, orange, and brown. The air becomes crisp and the woods are covered in a rustling carpet of leaves. Winter blankets the Cliffgans Woods in a serene and snowy scene. The coniferous trees and dusted with snow, creating a winter wonderland. The air becomes cold often normally reaching freezing.

Fauna & Flora

Some of the trees deep in the woods possess a magical aura, emanating a soft, soothing energy. The Enchanted Evergreens are believed to be connected to the ley lines that go through the Cliffgan Woods, and their needles and resin hold potent healing properties. With the size of the woods, there's plenty of diverse magical and mundane fauna that exist throughout the region. Most beautiful and unique are the Crystalwing Drakes. These ephemeral creatures are draconic crystalline beings that are slender and serpentine, adorned with shimmering translucent scales, and reflecting a kaleidoscope of colors. These drakes are attuned to the energies of earth and crystals, and their mere blood is valued as it can be rubbed on gems to increase their value and shimmer.   Remnants of the wars between the Wild elves and Calimshan, the Verdant Golems are gargantuan beings, less than a dozen in number. These magical creatures were created through the convergence of ancient tree spirits, fusing together into beings that destroy anything that harms the natural cycle of the woods. These golems are usually dormant, seemingly nothing more than towering figures made of wood and bone. However when the balance of nature is disrupted or the forest near them is in peril, the golems awaken with a surge of energy. Their presence alone commands great respect from forest dwellers and animals are innately peaceful near them.


Since the Calamity, the Cliffgan Woods have been a home for the Wild Elves and recently tribes of exiled beastfolk. During the White River Offense and the recent Northern Wars, the Cliffgan Woods have come under assault by colonial forces. Years of war and colonization has created a clear difference between the edge and deep woods, with many small villages and logging operations existing along the southern edge of the woods.


Major Landmarks of the Region -   Deep within the woods lies the Whispering Grove, a sacred grove that houses the oldest and most revered trees in the forest. These ancient giants are very similar to the trees of the deep Chondalwood. The grove is a place of peace and reflection, where visitors can commune with the spirits of the forest and gain wisdom hidden in the ground.   A forest inside a forest, the Dire Wood exists in the western side of the wood beyond the trade road to Khamgarohm. The outer border of the woods was surrounded by massive albino oak trees, known as the Pale Ring. Made of black, petrified trees that appeared dead, but were actually completely immune to death and damage. The soil of the forest floor was dark red in hue, and gave way to uneven hills and peat bogs. Much of area was covered in wild and decaying overgrowth. While temperatures were normal outside the borders, once within the woods, people became cold and the region smells of decay. Strange weather patterns including "wizard weather" were reported through the Dire Wood. These phenomena including falling red snow that smelled of blood, boiling rain, and hail that would explode upon hitting the ground. At the center of this region was a small mesa, which on top of it had the Shrine of the God's Heart, a temple built to those who attempted ascension to godhood and were punished for it.   Luminara Grove is a sacred grove on a hill dedicated to a the god of light Molotl. Within this hallowed space, magnificent trees glow in the sunlight, reflecting soft light through the whole hill. It is said that the grove's light enhances life energy and keeps the body healthy.
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Location under
Inhabiting Species