Cliffgan Mountains


The Cliffgan Mountains stretch a massive 5,000 miles from southwest to the high northeast, from The Whispering Expanse to the Upper Colonies. North of the mountains, the frozen arctic wastes gradually give way to craggy peaks, and to the south, dense woods and grasslands. The western and eastern halves of the mountains are slightly different both in latitude and in general climate.



Stretching from the northern tip of The Whispering Expanse to the Frozen Arctic. Tempuratures vary from temperate to sub-arctic as you move northeast. Snow and glaciers dominate the northern stretches, giving way to alpine meadows and coniferous forests south of it. Broad valleys and large plateaus characterize the West Cliffgans. Massive glaciers and ice fields in the northern sections feed numerous rivers that wind south into the Cliffgan Woods.  


  Hugging the Frozen North, the eastern Cliffgans are characterized with more rugged peaks than its western counterpart, with deep fjords and valleys cutting into the land as one approaches the ocean plains to the south. The tempuratures are predominantly cold with maritime influence due to its location closer to the ocean. This leads to a moister climate, with more snowfall and dense layers of mist.

Fauna & Flora

Given the vast expanse and diverse conditions of the Cliffgan Mountains, the range is home to a variety of unique mundane and magical flora. All kinds of mundane plants are common, from icy ferns, pines, and mountain mosses. Many kinds of magical flora exist as well, like stonebloom flowers used for potion making, frozen fire berry bushes, and echo herbs. Throughout the enormous range a plethora of plants grow, keeping the diverse range of animals alive.   Some of the unique creatures that inhabit the mountains include snowstriding white hares, mountain goats, and powerful wild cats like the arctic lion. Mountain Mantas can be found in the area, one of the strangest non-magical beasts in the region. These bird like beings resemble manta rays, but are covered in thick and dark feathers as they gracefully fly over mountain passes. Besides the standard mountain magical fauna, the peaks are home to dragon lairs and the nests of Stonehide Rams and Whisperwing Owls. Cliff Racers are small sized dragon-like creatures that can effortlessly navigate the vertical cliffs of the valleys and the northern mountains. Known as pests, these creatures are aggressive and territorial, and often attack travelers.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   The fortress of Sundari is the only officially settled home of the Kinorians, an ethnicity of human warriors not originally from Aralla. They kept themselves mostly sealed away and are defensive of their territory, religion, and cultural smithing techniques. They are the only culture that create the metal known as Beskar, a ritually enhanced adamantine that is said to be the strongest metal in the universe.   The Dwarven city of Khamgarohm is a large dwarven city and the only known surviving dwarven fortress west of Calimshan. One of the only real civilized bastions in the Cliffgan Mountains, it is open to travelers and exports fine good south and west to survive.   The ancient temple of Uruth Ukrypt, once a stronghold for the largest ork force on Ekrune, is now in ruins with only a smattering of ork tribes that inhabit it. The temple is sacred to the orcish god Yurtrus and beneath the temple lies a holy site to the horrid god.
Alternative Name(s)
The Northern Peaks or The Hightop Mountains
Mountain Range
Location under
Inhabiting Species