Heart of the Volcano

Description and Lore

  This strangely shaped, black-colored rock streaked with deep red veins is actually the still burning heart of a Red Great Wyrm Dragon, ripped from the chest of it while it was still living. When clenched in a fist, it feels like it throbs, though the organ remains unmoving and unyielding to the eye. The heart has clearly been altered via magical experimentation, and serves as the heart of bloodlines. The heart, when bound to a creature, grants it great power and slowly imbues either a single being or an entire family with energy.  


  Aura strong evocation (fire) CL 20th; Slot none; Price —; Weight 15 lbs.   When bonding to the Heart, you can choose one of two sets of effects. Once chosen by a person, they can never change their choice. Bonding with the heart requires you submerge it in lava and stab yourself in the heart with an obsidian blade. If performed correctly, the blade will break instead of piercing your skin, and your connection will be complete.   If you choose to bind the heart to your family:  
  • Children you have will have a high chance of being born with impressive sorcerous potential, specifically with the Red Dragon Bloodline.
  • You will also be imbued with impressive sorcerous potential, specifically with the Red Dragon Bloodline.
  • You have a higher chance of having children, and children you have will have will be born overall more healthy.
If you choose to bind the heart to only you:  
  • You gain immunity to fire damage.
  • You immediately gain one mythic tier, and very slowly begin gaining more mythic tiers.
  • You can grip your fist as a standard action, squeezing the hearts of any dragons within 300 feet. Those dragons must make a DC 28 Fortitude saving throw or take 1d6 Constitution damage.


  The Volcano's Heart can be destroyed if it is hit by the breath weapon of every color of metallic dragon at once, as long as those dragons are at least ancient.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Owning Organization