Hespurr (Hess-purr)


  Daughter of Mehena and twin sister of Akades. She is kind and quiet with individuals, but firm and charismatic when dealing with large groups. Her soft voice is tinged with great wisdom, but she brooks no argument when she gives an order. She likes to think of her duty as one of building a sturdy skeleton of continuity in government through a noble infrastructure so that the body politic can grow and develop properly under the leadership of a royal ruler. Her herald is The Sovereign Seraph, a majestic figure draped in regal robes woven from threads of gold and set with gems that represent various royal houses. The Sovereign Seraph serves as Hespurr's direct representative in ensuring the sanctity of noble and royal leadership. It appears in times of royal dispute, succession crisis, or when a ruler is straying from the path of rightful leadership.  


  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes nobles, rightful rule of nobility, and royalty. The church of Hespurr is strictly ordered but small, confined primarily to the nobility of Calimshan and the Skycities. Hespurr’s clerics are expected to serve as advisors and counselors to noble rulers if not of noble birth and as rulers if of noble birth. When confronted with a ruler of noble birth who does not keep himself or herself fit for the task and responsibilities of rule, a cleric of Hespurr must either seek to rectify that ruler’s shortcomings through counseling and education or engineer the ruler’s succession by a more fit ruler of noble lineage.

Divine Domains

Evil/Good, Knowledge (Including Education), Law (Including Legislation and Loyalty), Nobility (Including all subdomains)

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Heavy Flail   Holy Animal - Horse   Holy Colors - Silver, Gold, Red   Holy Mineral - Silver   Holy Symbol - Silver chalice with a golden sun on the side

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Advise nobles to rule fairly or rule fairly yourself.   Anathema - Abuse power for personal gain. Create a court culture or spy on others.


The Divine Pageantry was a celebration held during summer months in the city of Calimport and involved nobles dressing in anachronistic costumes and distributing copper and silver coins to the city's commoners.  

Meta Information


Drop hot wax onto your brow and press the spot with a signet ring—either your own or that of a legitimate authority—to show your submission to deserved rulership. For that day, so long as your brow remains uncovered, you gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.  

Divine Boon

1: Verdict (Sp) command 3/day, enthrall 2/day, or suggestion 1/day
2: Hespurr's Judgment (Sp) Once per day, you can place a symbol on a target who has shirked his obligations or showed poor judgment in his official capacity; that symbol acts similarly to a mark of justice. This spell-like ability has a casting time of 1 round instead of 10 minutes, and when the mark activates it causes the target to take a –6 penalty to Wisdom and Charisma. The conditions you place on the mark must relate to the target’s actions as a leader.
3: Lordship (Su) You automatically gain the Leadership feat, and you are always considered to have a reputation of fairness and generosity so long as you maintain your allegiance to Hespurr. If you already have the Leadership feat, you gain an additional +2 bonus to your Leadership score. You may choose to attract a hound or legion archon as a cohort. Your archon cohort gains additional HD to bring its total HD to 2 lower than your own level.  

Example Paladin Code

  • I shall uphold the sanctity and responsibility of nobility, understanding that power and privilege come with duty to the people.
  • I vow to be the voice of wisdom, and the hand of guidance. I will provide counsel to those in power, ensuring they lead with justness and integrity.
  • In the face of inept or corrupt rule, I am bound by duty to either educate and reform or to support the transition to a more rightful leader of noble lineage.
  • I understand that the path of nobility is not one of ease but one of service. I shall not waver in my duty, even when the path gets tough or lonely.

Physical Description

Body Features

She is depicted in religious art as a dark skinned woman in half plate armor, she is often shown riding a horse with her flail.
Divine Classification
Rank 13 Intermediate Deity (Dead Power)
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
“The Divine Right”
Circumstances of Death
Assassinated during the Godfall
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations