Axis (Axe-is)


  Axis a bastion of order against the chaos of Bedlam and the countless demonic hordes of the Maw. A great city of eternal perfection, it's streets and buildings are paragons of architecture and aesthetics; everything is ordered and nothing happens by chance. While no one race or god rules the city, axiomites and inevitables make their homes here, forever striving to expand their perfect city. The city is placed on a gently spinning circluar disc with the Celestial Staircase in the center, climbing both up and down into the higher and lower planes.  

Planar Traits

  • Gravity normal
  • Time normal
  • Finite Shape but can be expanded by Deities with domains in The Axis.
  • Divinely Morphic: Deities with domains in The Axis can alter the plane at will.
  • Strongly Law-Aligned
  • Enhanced Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the lawful descriptor are enhanced.
  • Impeded Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities with the chaotic descriptor are impeded.

Denizens of the Axis

  Axiomites - Stewards of the city of Axis, axiomites represent the fundamental search for order. According to their own history, the first axiomites sprang from the raw mathematical underpinnings of the cosmos long before the first gods began to stir—they are personifications of a primordial reality made flesh in an attempt to understand itself, and can be created by lawful neutral deities. New axiomites are formed from souls much like celestials or fiends, with spirits drawn across the Cradle Realms to one of the axiomites’ humming crystal monoliths, emerging later as purified creatures of law and theory.   Primordial Inevitables - Primordial inevitables, sometimes termed primal inevitables, were the first inevitables produced by axiomites, and are the most powerful and authoritative among their kind. They are living forges who create lesser inevitables that serve their strict interpretations and enforcement of cosmic law. Each unique primordial inevitable has become so powerful that they have ascended to become demigods, and have mortal worshipers. These mortal worshipers often appreciate the meditative precision of primordial inevitables, though they rarely attract paladins due to their ambivalence between the moral spectrum of good and evil.   Inevitable - Originally invented and forged in the Outer Planes by the axiomites, inevitables are living machines whose sole purpose is to seek out and destroy agents of chaos wherever they can. Genderless, incorruptible, and caring nothing for power or personal advancement, inevitables are cunning and valiant shock troops in the service of law. Though they regularly interact with their creator race on their home plane, they have no society of their own, and are almost always encountered singly on other planes, each more than capable of pursuing its own mission. These individual crusades range from enforcing important or high-profile contracts and laws to forcibly correcting those mortals who would seek to cheat death. How they deal with the guilty varies according to the transgression: sometimes this means a simple geas or mark of justice to ensure that the target works to right his wrongs or never again strays from the path of law, but just as often an offense worthy of an inevitable attention is severe enough that only immediate execution will suffice.
Dimensional plane
Additional Rulers/Owners