Oghma (Ahg-ma)


  Son of Mehena and twin brother of Tyche. The Lord of Knowledge sits in judgment of all ideas, deciding whether they will be allowed to spread, or whether they will die with their originator. In this regard, the Binder exercises a great deal of caution, for the experience of countless ages weighs heavy on his heart. He prefers a doctrine of ideological conservatism, hoping that no new thought disrupts the delicate balance he has nurtured. He is a patron of bards, and most consider him the source of creative inspiration and the protector of accumulated knowledge. His herald is the Old Man, often wandering as a mortal man, bereft of his supernatural powers, instructing others and leading by example.   

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god whose portfolio includes inspiration, inventions, knowledge, and learning. Clerics of Oghma are known as Namers. The church welcomes members of all races and philosophies, provided prospective clerics swear to the doctrine of the Binder of What is Known and dedicate themselves to acquiring, administering, and protecting knowledge. Members of the church might remain cloistered in temples (usually academics or sages more at home among stacks of books and scrolls than among their fellows) or travel the land, recording their experiences and periodically reporting to the temples they encounter on their travels. Wayfaring clerics and bards within the church tend to be adventuresome and curious, bon vivants who occasionally come into ideological conflict with their academic counterparts. The two branches need each other, however, and such reprobation seldom escalates beyond mild disapproval.  

Divine Domains

Artifice, Community (including Education), Knowledge (all subdomains), Magic (including Arcane, Divine, and Rites), Rune (all subdomains), Steam  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Longsword   Holy Animal - None   Holy Colors - Green and Blue   Holy Mineral - None   Holy Symbol - Opened scroll  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Knowledge is power and must be used with care, but hiding it away from others is never a good thing. Stifle no new ideas, no matter how false and crazed they seem; rather, let them be heard and considered.   Anathema - Deliver messages and teachings incorrectly, spread rumors and falsehoods.  

Example Paladin Code

As a paladin sworn to uphold the teachings and wishes of the Lord of Knowledge, I solemnly vow:  
  • To safeguard the sanctity of true knowledge, ensuring it is not twisted or misused.
  • To respect and uphold the ancient knowledge that has been handed down through the ages, for in it lies the wisdom of countless generations.
  • To defend the bards and their art, for through them the world witnesses the manifestation of divine creativity.
  • To bridge the divide between the cloistered scholars and the wandering seekers, knowing that together they create the full tapestry of our understanding.
  • To embody the spirit of exploration and discovery, never letting my curiosity wane.
  • To record my experiences and findings, ensuring they are shared and added to our collective understanding, enriching our shared legacy.
Divine Classification
Rank 15 Intermediate Deity
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Binder of What is Known", "Lord of Knowing", or "The Wise One"