Tyche (Tie-ki)


  Daughter of Mehena and twin sister of Oghma. Tyche counted among her worshipers all who wished good luck, and those who, while not wishing good fortune, didn't desire misfortune either. Firstly, her dominance over narrow escapes and lucky discoveries makes her the patron of choice to Aralla's burgeoning adventurer population, who propitiate her in hopes of prolonged survival and spectacular takes. However, luck goes both ways, and she is worshipped to keep bad luck away, or said in curses to keep people you dislike in bad spirits.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  She is a goddess whose portfolio includes luck and everything random or up to chance. Those commoners who fail to take themselves too seriously see the servants of Tyche as energetic advocates of chance and adventure. The clerics preach a doctrine that urges their followers to take chances and do something, rather than sitting around and daring nothing. Clerics of Tyche favor gaiety and spontaneity, believing that those who enjoy the greatest fortune are those who take the greatest risks.  

Divine Domains

Chaos (including Whimsy), Charm (including Lust), Liberation (including Freedom), Luck (including Curse and Fate), Madness, Trickery (including Deception, Greed, and Thievery), Fate  

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Shortsword   Holy Animal - None   Holy Colors - Gold and Red   Holy Mineral - Gold   Holy Symbol - Circle of red stars  

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - One should be bold, for to be bold is to live. Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust to your own luck.   Anathema - Strongly plan your actions.  

Meta Information


Play a game of dice with others, if roll the highest, you gain a +1 luck bonus to AC and saving throws and once today you can reroll a d20 roll. If roll the lowest, you take a -1 sacred penalty to AC and saving throws. If you don't roll highest or lowest, you can reroll a d20 roll once today. No matter the outcome, thank Tyche for the chance to win.

Divine Boon

1: Lucky Strike (Sp) divine favor 1/day, align weapon (chaotic only) 2/day, or keen edge 1/day
2: Winsome Lash (Su) You can lash out with your melee weapon as if it were a whip, no matter what the weapon’s type truly is. Your melee weapon elongates and grows flexible, gaining an extra 5 feet of reach while still maintaining its ability to strike targets adjacent to you (provided the weapon could normally do so). Using this ability does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and you can apply this ability only to melee weapons. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds). The rounds don’t need to be consecutive, and activating and deactivating the ability is a free action.
3: Sting Like a Wasp (Ex) For a number of rounds per day equal to your Charisma bonus, you can ignore attacks of opportunity you would otherwise provoke due to your movement. Using this ability is a free action, and the rounds in which you use it don’t need to be consecutive. You still provoke attacks of opportunity normally for actions other than moving.  

Example Paladin Code

In the ever-changing whims of Tyche, I find my purpose and strength. For she is the unpredictable rhythm of life, the balance of good fortune and ill fate. With heart unburdened by certainty and spirit ever-ready for change, I make these solemn vows:  
  • To embrace the unpredictable nature of existence, celebrating both the highs and the lows with equal fervor.
  • To recognize that every setback is but the precursor to a potential boon, and to treat each triumph as a reminder of life's fleeting favor.
  • To champion the thrill of the unknown, ever encouraging those around me to leap into the void of possibility.
  • To seek out the roads less traveled, knowing that the greatest stories are often found in the most unexpected places.
  • To offer comfort and solidarity in times of misfortune, reminding all that the wheel of Tyche is ever-turning.
  • To wear a smile in the face of adversity, for the journey of life is as much about the story as the destination.
  • To approach each day with humor and lightness, understanding that in the grand game of chance, not taking oneself too seriously is the truest wisdom.
Divine Classification
Rank 12 Intermediate Deity (Dead Power)
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Lady Luck" or "The Smiling Lady"
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Goena