Rashemi (Rah-shem-ee)


  Rashemi is the ethnicity of those who descend from the many kingdoms in the region of Rashemen. Most Rashemaar were short and muscular, with a hardy physique. They commonly had dusky skin, dark eyes, and thick black hair. Men were especially hairy and might maintain a thick dark beard; baldness was virtually unknown in their culture. Women often wore their hair long and elaborately plaited  


  Elders were respected for their wisdom and mental strength while children were expected to earn their place in the world, rather than having it handed to them. Most young adult Rashemaar traveled extensively for a year as part of a coming-of-age ritual called dajemma (also spelled darjemma), resulting in a population with considerable worldly knowledge. A young man sometimes traveled with a younger member of the Wychlaran known as a hathran. The Rashemaar placed little value in the accumulation of wealth, and expressed no shame for their bodies. They thought of themselves as inhabitants of a harsh and beautiful land ruled by spirits and rarely displayed the arrogance of other human ethnic groups. They viewed life as a series of challenges to face and defeat and placed a high value on individual accomplishment and strength. They tended to focus on physical feats in Rashemen, while the Rashemi of Kymos preferred displays of magical power. The Rashemaar people tended to be quite superstitious. For example, it was considered bad luck to seek knowledge of one's own fortune. In order for someone to ward off bad luck, they spat on the fingers, made a fist, and then flicked the fingers three times.  


  The Rashemaar commonly prayed to "the Three"―Bhalla, Khelliara, and the Hidden One, who were also known as Mehena, Melora, and Baara in Ekrune. They also venerated many local spirits, such as the yokai (called telthors) that were unknown elsewhere on Aralla.
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