Varen (Vah-ren)


  Son of Mehena and the twin brother of Melora. Patient and thoughtful, Varen fits his role as lord of cities and wealth well, as he works tirelessly to expand the reach of law and civilization. His clerics often oversee trade and economic matters within major cities (except dwarven ones, where Khasdall has domain). Varen's clergy strives to maintain agreeable relationships with the other deities, recognizing their influence is conducive to the further advancement of civilized life, only truly coming into conflict with chaotic monstrous deities, or the more distinct and opposing ideals of his sister. His herald is the Herald of Civilization, a titanic golden statue that can be summoned when entire cities or powerful vaults are threatened.  

Portfolio and Responsibilities

  He is a god whose portfolio includes cities, wealth, trade, guilds, and walls. He expects his followers to obey all meaningful laws, but not those which are ridiculous, unenforceable, or self-contradictory. He is also a great proponent of peace, as war inevitably leads to the degradation of trade and the stifling of prosperity for the general public. He advocates cautious, careful consideration in all matters, and frowns on impulsiveness, believing that it leads to the encouragement of primitive needs. The faithful of Varen believe that sudden windfalls of financial good fortune are signs of the god's approval, while increases in expenses that lead to poverty are proof of his anger.

Divine Domains

Community (including Cooperation and Home), Law (including Loyalty and Legislation), Luck, Nobility (only Leadership), Protection (including Defense and Fortifications), Travel (only Trade), Agriculture

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Weapon - Crossbow   Holy Animal - Eagle   Holy Color - Gold and Red   Holy Mineral - Gold   Holy Symbol - Golden Key

Tenets of Faith

Edicts - Civilize frontiers. Earn wealth through non-evil means.   Anathema - Steal. Undermine an aligned business.  

Meta Information


Take a handful of mixed gems, coins, and keys. Include coins from three or more different currency systems (such as from three different kingdoms), as well as at least three different keys—one of which should be the key to a lockbox, vault, or other such storage item. Kneel before a scale and balance the items as perfectly as you can on it, removing and replacing items in order to create the most equitable balance of items. Randomize the items you select each time you perform this obedience, so as not to let your obedience become routine. Meditate on the teachings from The Order of Numbers. Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on saving throws against spells and effects generated by creatures with a chaotic alignment. The type of bonus depends on your alignment—if you’re neither good nor evil, you must choose either sacred or profane the first time you perform your obedience. Once made, this choice can’t be changed.  

Divine Boon

1: Ordered Mien (Sp) Abadar’s truthtelling 3/day, align weapon (lawful only) 2/day, or magic circle against chaos 1/day
2: Diplomatic Immunity (Ex) While within the bounds of a city of more than 5,000 inhabitants, you gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. You also gain special status with the law. You’re considered a person to be respected, and may obtain special treatment and assistance that ordinary citizens could not, such as information on political activity, criminal investigations, or threats against the city. Any bribes or fees that would normally be levied by the legal system are waived for you. City guards and officials with an initial starting attitude of unfriendly or hostile instead have an attitude of indifferent toward you. These benefits apply only when you identify yourself as an exalted of Abadar.
3: Scales of Balance (Su) Once per day as a full-round action, you can pool and redistribute your current hit points and those of all willing allies within 30 feet of you. Total your current hit points and those of your willing allies, and then decide how you wish to redistribute them among the same individuals. You cannot give an ally more hit points than her maximum, nor can you leave an ally with 0 hit points.  

Paladin Code

As the god of civilization and order, Varen recognizes the value of holy warriors in advancing society’s aims. His paladins follow the standard paladin code of protecting the innocent, acting with honor and honesty, and respecting lawful authority. In addition, an Varenian paladin upholds the following creed.
  • I am a protector of the roadways and keep travelers from harm. No matter their destinations or goals, if they are peaceable and legitimate travelers who harm no others on the road, I will ensure that they pass safely.
  • Bandits are a plague. Under my will they come to justice. If they will not come willingly before the law, where they can protest for justice in the courts, they will come under the power of my sword.
  • Corruption in the courts is the greatest corruption of civilization. Without confidence in justice, citizens cannot believe in their countries, and civilization begins to disappear. I will root out corruption wherever I find it, and if a system is fundamentally flawed, I will work to aid citizens by reforming or replacing it.
  • I am an aid to the markets. I ensure equitable trade between merchants and citizens. Theft and deceit on either side are intolerable.
  • I make opportunities, and teach others to recognize them. When I aid others, I open the way for them, but will not carry them—they must take responsibility.

Physical Description

Body Features

Varen is often shown as a well dressed and groomed man of whatever ethnicity worships him, but is always shown with dark hair and a golden breastplate. He is often seen wearing several keys on a golden chain around his neck, symbolizing the many vaults he is said to protect. Most societies depict him with a short, well trimmed beard, but elven cities always show him beardless.
Divine Classification
Rank 16 Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Gold Fisted", "The God of the Walls", or "The First Vaultkeeper"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations