Whitefin Bay


Flanked by the southern White River and the northern Silvervein River, the Whitefin Bay is connected to the larger Pacjour Sea by the Glimmering Passage. A unique mix of large freshwater rivers and saltwater from the ocean creates a unique and incredibly important waterway for the region. The waters are notoriously calm and deep, allowing for comfortable travel with large vessels, along with some minor islands existing throughout the bay itself. Around the mouth of both rivers, the land is verdant and fertile, perfect for seasonal farming both on plantations and for sustenance. The northern side of the bay, before the Silvervein River is slightly harder to dock or sail near, because of its more rocky cliffsides, but is not impassable.


The climate around the Whitefin Bay could be called mild and temperate, the region experiencing average temperatures throughout the year. Ranging from comfortably hot summers to cool winters, extreme temperatures are not common, possible due to the closeness of the warm Pacjour Sea and its sea breezes. Rainfall mostly occurs during the fall and winter months, with it getting cold enough to snow around the winter solstice usually.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna of the Whitefin Bay is incredibly diverse, with hundreds of species of magical and non-magical fish being found in the bay itself. Along the beach shores, unique Crested Seashell Crabs, whose shells are adorned with patterns similar to seashells, are found in abundance. Most uniquely in the bay, Glimmerfin Fish are iridescent rainbow colored fish, only found near the shores of the bay's minor islands. The fish glow with shimmering colors, and are quite magical, able to fire minor prismatic beams, similar to a very weak Prismatic Spray. Their scales are very valuable and can be used to increase the power of Prismatic spells, and as such are very sought after by higher level wizards.


Major Landmarks in the Region -   Two major seaports dot the coasts of the Whitefin Bay, on both river mouths as trade hubs for the region. The northwestern city is Darromar, standing as a sort of "border" separating central and western Calimshan from it's more wild and northern territories. The city itself is well constructed even by Calishite standards, fortified against incursion from beastfolk or wild elven tribes, and was a major military city for Northern Wars, however, the city hasn't seen major militarization in over a hundred years.   In the south of the bay, at the mouth of the White River stands Saibayya, a major trade port connecting the northern territories to central Calimshan, and vice versa.   Somewhere in the center of the bay lays Isle of Tranquility. True to its name, it is covered in lush and verdant plant life and is adorned with sparkling pools. This island radiates an aura of magical calm and harmony, and it is said that the waters of the island grant rejuvenation to those in need of solace.   The Shining Sands are a beautiful beach, laying along the northeast coastline of the bay itself. The sands of this beach appear to twinkle and glimmer in the sunlight, reflecting tiny specks of light as if they were made of finely crushed gemstones. This enchanting spectacle captivates visitors and creates an otherworldly atmosphere along the coast.   According to rumor and legend, Whitefin Bay used to be part of a much large seabed, before the landmass shifts of the Calamity. Deep below the waves of the ocean lies the enigmatic Sunken City of Avalora. Legend has it that Avalora was once a holy city that fervently worshipped Umberlee. However, during the Calamity, it was utterly destroyed and the island it was on sunk deep into where the bay is now. According to the legends, Avalora was a holy city, where only the most devoted cultists of Umberlee were permitted, and it is said that Umberlee herself slept there in ancient times. Although originally believed to have been completely destroyed, the Great Rumble of 900 AC was followed by strange icons and unique artifacts of the dead culture washing up on the shores of the bay, seemingly dislodged from wherever they rested for thousands of years. The city has still not been discovered and it's location and treasures remain a mystery.   The destroyed city of Memnonnar lays at the end of the eastern peninsula. Settled early on, and exploration under the city in a pre-calamity ruin unleashed an ancient curse, causing it to be quickly abandoned and it's population move to Saibayya.
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