

This town is sometimes called the "End of the Nation", and is probably currently the least political major city in Calimshan, as the main focus of the city in recent years is the raising of livestock. The town straddles the Silvervein River at its deepest and swiftest point right near the bay, and some of its streets are actually canals of water diverted from their course for driving waterwheels to mill grain into flour or power the newest inventions that all Keltarans love: the great windmills that blow the stench of the pens and the slaughterhouses out of the city.  

Major Exports

  Leather goods, cattle, processed grains, and flour.  

Darromar Underworld

  Most underworld activities in this town are run by the Ahimar Family family for the syl-pasha.   Enforcers and Thugs - El Ashnarti (el Ahimar for el Rhimod). Sultan Duncan el Ashnarti, the ruler of Darromar, is as a nephew by marriage in the Ahimar clan. The headquarters of the guild is in Darromar, with the guild maintaining a very low-key presence.

Points of interest

Important Areas in the City - Its age and wonders are found in many unexpected places. The most impressive sight within the boundaries of Darromar is the millennia-old Steps of Umberlee. With a massive sluice gate diverting some of the Silvervein River under the walls of the town rather than around the eastern side, these sluiced waters are in turn moved by hidden screws and pumps up into the stone monolith set in the Northernmost Sabban. The water bubbles out the top of the monolith and flows along stone pathways long-vanished from wear, though their magical fields still move the water down in four staircase like patterns from each comer into a wide reflecting pool set around the monolith. The water is apparently also pumped out the bottom of the pool and back into the Silvervein River magically twice a day, preventing it from stagnating or becoming permanently fouled.   The canals of Darromar run through the Northeast, East, Southeast, and South sabbans. Waterwheels dominate the waterways in the Northeast Sabban, and the speed and force of the river drives many grindstones for processing grains into flour or meal so that it becomes more efficient to transport. Once the canals widen starting in East Sabbans, the water slows enough to allow safe passage for barges, travel by gondola for the rich, swimming and bathing for the masses (though social graces would suggest the South Sabban bathhouses are a better site for those ablutions), and more.  

Interesting Places to Stay

  The Ringed Nose tavern is among the seedier of dives among the slaughterhouses in Eastern Sabban. Here the sea orc staff just barely contains the nightly brawls of all the butchers. While the smell of good food from its kitchen is rarely enough to disguise the permeating odor of offal and blood from the slaughterhouses around it, the Ringed Nose is a place to secretly trade information, since the barkeeps are prudent and the clientele rarely sober enough to remember they were there themselves, let alone anyone else. Quality/Price: Poor/Cheap.  

Notable Locations

  The Seminarcane is the complex that houses the mages' school and (secretly) headquarters for the Arcana Pansophical. Built in the Seventh Age, the brickwork is far simpler on the external walls than it is anywhere in the building. Mosaics dominate nearly every interior surface of five of the six buildings, including the Minargent, which houses the actual Guild business headquarters. The students' dormitory is unadorned by decoration (or other distractions that an acolyte needs not). Also contained within the walls is an exclusive shrine to Baara and Atetsis usable only by Guild Arcane members and students of the school. The shrine is said to have kneeling-stone mosaics that allow the penitent to more easily commune with them, but no outsiders have ever tested these theories and no members ever speak of them. Most famous in Darromar is probably the House of the Sunlord, a hospital and monastery dedicated to Molotl. The campus of the hospital encompass three whole drudachs, though its sabban wall actually abuts a 12 foot high fence. Beds of herbs and medical plants dominate the garden all over the walled complex. Dormitories for incurable patients, and a soulblight sanitarium exist alongside a major temple and two lesser shrines to local saints, plus a school, cloister, pharmacy, and hospital are all scattered about inside the wall. The entire complex is run by kind and wise priests who work hands on with their charges.
Founding Date
515 AC
Large town
104,300 citizens and about 30,000 rural citizens
Owning Organization