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Gloom's Reach

Gloom's Reach is a small coastal town located in the northwestern part of Modren. Despite its beautiful location, the town has fallen into disrepair in recent years, with the outer parts of the town becoming increasingly dilapidated and neglected. This is largely due to the fact that the town's baron, Mary Dors, and her lackeys have been more focused on their own problems than on maintaining the town's infrastructure and safety. In recent times, the town has been plagued by a series of mysterious disappearances. Citizens have vanished from both the town and its outskirts, causing widespread unease and discontent among the inhabitants. Many locals have been quick to blame the pirates who have recently started using Gloom's Reach as a port, but there are those who suspect that something far more sinister may be at work.   Baron Mary Dors is widely disliked among the people of Gloom's Reach. She is known to be corrupt, and is rumored to have ties to the criminal underworld. Despite her reputation, she rules the town with an iron fist, and is feared by many of her subjects.   One of Baron Dors' closest associates is a man by the name of Valentin Egan. Egan is the captain of the town guard, and is widely regarded as a brutal enforcer of Dors' will. He is feared and hated by many of the townsfolk, and is rumored to have a sadistic streak.   Gloom's Reach is a small coastal town located in the northwestern part of Modren. It is situated on a rocky cliff overlooking the dark, stormy waters of the northern sea. The town is surrounded by dense forests and jagged cliffs, making it difficult to access from the land. The town itself is divided into two parts: the inner town and the outer town. The inner town is located on top of the cliff and consists of the town square, the town hall, the church, and the houses of the wealthy merchants and aristocrats. The inner town is well-maintained and clean, with cobblestone streets and well-manicured gardens. The buildings are made of stone and marble, giving the town an air of sophistication and elegance.   On the other hand, the outer town is located at the bottom of the cliff and consists of the docks, the warehouses, and the homes of the common folk. The outer town is much less glamorous than the inner town, with dilapidated buildings and unpaved streets. Many of the buildings are made of wood and thatch, and are in a state of disrepair due to the harsh weather conditions and lack of maintenance.   Despite its shortcomings, Gloom's Reach is a bustling town, with a thriving market and a busy port. The town's economy relies heavily on fishing and shipping, and the docks are always bustling with activity. The market square is always filled with vendors selling fresh seafood, fruits, vegetables, and handmade crafts. The town is also home to several taverns and inns, providing food and shelter for travelers and visitors.   However, the recent disappearances have cast a shadow over the once-thriving town. Fear and suspicion have gripped the inhabitants, with many blaming the pirates who have recently started porting in the town. The disappearance of some wealthy merchants and aristocrats has also caused concern among the residents of the inner town. Many are now calling for action to be taken to address the issue and bring back the sense of safety and security that once existed in Gloom's Reach.


Almost only humans, with a few dwarven families at the outskirts of the city.


Gloom's Reach is ruled by the baron Mary Dors.


At the city's core the buildings are well maintened while the buildings at the edge are less looked after.


As a harbour town which focus on fishing the main export of Gloom's Reach is fish.
Establishments:   The Black Sail    The Drunken Kraken
Founding Date
Owning Organization

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