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Before the war against the Empire Kaelderen was a well developed country with advanced warfare capabilities. The Kaelderen Army mostly fought bandits, monsters and small scale fights against countries from the north. Before and during the war Kaelderen was lead by their beloved and benevolent king Arath Cyril. Arath Cyril believed the citizens were the most important part of any country and therefore used all his power to serve and protect his people.   With Arath Cyril in charge Kaelderen held their own against the Empire and challenged them in every battle. After Modren joined the Empire and Dûren had to surrender Kaelderen had to fight against the Empire on mutiple fronts, which proved to hard for Kaelderen. With the war over the Empire took control of Kaelderen and publicly executed the king Arath. Afterwards the Empire replaced the king with their own leader Duke Leon Adrain who now leads Kaelderen with an iron hand.   Kaelderen is no longer what it used to be, the army dismantled and replaced by soldiers of the Empire and the Black Knights. Civil unrest and unhappiness plagues the countryside and rumors tell of resistance movements in the countryside aswell as part of the old Kaelderen army fighting a guerilla war against Duke Leon Adrain and the Black Knights.   The landscape in Kaelderen is filled with lush forests, lots of hills and a few mountains. Most villages are surrounded by a palisade for protection against the monsters roaming the forests and mountains. When Arath Cyril was king the roads were well protected but since @Duke Leon Adrain the old watchtowers have been abandoned, focusing the army instead on protecting the larger cities and the Duke's own lands. Because of less protecting the roads have attracted monsters looking for easy prey. From the mountains several clans of orcs and goliaths have descended in search of unprotected villages to pillage.
Geopolitical, Country

Tenuous Peace

The old peace with Kaelderen, before Duke Leon assumed power, was alot stronger and friendly.

Tenuous Peace


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