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Drakon Crosswind

A local folk hero also known as The Obsidian Claw (named after his sword). This champion went from a local adventurer to one who traveled far from his home. Not much is known of his time away from Turnock Tolgalen aside from the fact that on one of his adventures he acquired The Obsidian Claw. The Obsidian Claw was known to help in the war against the Hobgoblins of Urgratal in the War of Isles where the hobgoblins fought over valuable islands that while not very good to live on contained valuable resources such as mithril and gravestone. The Obsidian Clawn ended the war by infiltrating enemy lines and defeating The Hobgoblin General Grakk U'undril in a Duel. The last Quest the Obsidian Claw helped unravel mysterious assassination attempts to uncover their old enemy, The Shadowscale Cult, had returned. The Obsidian Claw embarked on a mission to rid the resurgence of The Shadowscale Cult. In which he returned claiming he had succeeded. It was after this mission he Retired.  The Obsidian Claw Eventually died from a plague when he failed to receive treatment due to his status dropping since his retirement.


Vulen Bloodfang


Towards Drakon Crosswind


Drakon Crosswind


Towards Vulen Bloodfang



Drakon eventually met Vulen some time after Azura's and Drakon's relationship became official. Vulen was excited to meet Drakon and even valued any training or advice the old adventurer would grant him.  And despite Drakon's status plummeting due to constant challanges from The Trials of Fire, Vulen always treated Drakon with the same amount of respect.  To this day Drakon valued Drakon as a friend and is saddened with how he died.

Shared Secrets

Because Azura didn't want to know where Drakon put the Obsidian Claw, he granted the information to Vulen. To which Vulen promised he would do everything he could to keep is safe until Azura claimed it.

Azura Crosswind


Towards Drakon Crosswind


Drakon Crosswind


Towards Azura Crosswind



Drakon was Azura's idle as she grew up. She wanted to be just like him and become an idle to her people as well. She ultimately joined the military instead of adventuring to stay close to her home and family. With Drakon's Guidance Azura became a stellar soldier and was rapidly on her way to becoming a captain. Drakons falling ranks, and sudden sickness from the plauge caused Azura great distress. Drakon tried to pass on the Obsidian Claw to Azura, however she refused not feeling she was ever going to measure up to Drakon. His death is what led her to flee from Turnock Tolgalen

Azura Crosswind (Grandaughter)

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