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Azura Crosswind

Azura was a proud knight in the military who was proving to be a powerful warrior, well on her way to becoming a sergeant. She became disillusioned though because as she rose through her ranks she saw what her life could become and her perception of the world shattered. Azura watched as her Grandfather, Drakon Crosswind, a well known hero, began to fall from grace due to his age. His status was quickly stripped as he was challenged for his position and standing and failed to defeat his challengers. His age and old injuries catching up to him amounted to his standing in society being incredibly low. Azura hated watching a man who fought and sacrificed so much for his home to get pushed down by them simply because he had become old. Azura, not wanting to end up like Drakon Crosswind . left her home in disgust hoping to find some place where she will be respected for more than what she is currently capable of, and hopefully, not die alone.   This Lead her to meeting Captain Bigaleous Aldoras Untaro, who offered to help her sneak away from her home provided she worked for him. Not thinking twice and not realizing she was now working with a pirate, she agreed. Biggs attempted to make her Captain of her own vessel considering her background, but she refused (especially after learning she was now in league with pirates) on account she felt she doesn't have the proper skills to be a good leader. Instead she agreed to assist whomever Captain Biggs found to take the position instead as their first mate.   The last few positions were filled by her new captain, Zephyr. She was became quickly aware that he was working prior to being a pirate with his associate Gray who was in charge of navigation. Duerden Forgehand a dwarf who was hired on as their quarter master, a gnomish alchemist named Burt. Although she wasn't aware of any other details beyond that. Besides she was busy dealing with a highly unruly crew.   Their first mission was when they crossed a ship that they decided they would plunder. The ship turned out to be run by a slaver who used his own slaves to fight the crew. They managed to win the battle and to her surprise Zephyr even released a few of the slaves and took them on as crew members. She thought she saw a glimpse of a good person right up until he decided to sell off the rest of the slaves he couldn't keep.   On the way back to Bigland to meet Captain Biggs, their cook was mysteriously murdered. Fearing there was a turncoat the crew split up into teams to find out what happened. It was Azura and Gray who found an Imp had been sneaking around their ship in an attempt to pick off the crew and gain information on them to report to his master, who owned the slave ship they attacked. The Imp then tried to kill Azura but she quickly cleaved it in two, earning her the moniker Devil Cleaver. Although the name didn't stick very well. But the entire crew was impressed with her and now saw her as a badass.   Her crew arrived to Bigland where her captain and a chosen away team left to get some money while they waited for Biggs to arrange a job for them. Azura during this time scouted out a replacement for their now dead cook. She ended up finding a half-orc named Gut.   While waiting for her crew to return to Westernmostwest Town Azura ended up getting arrested when locals though she was one of the local terrorists who were identified as Dragon-kin. Luckily her crew managed to bail her out of prison, but in the process they let it leak that she was not working with one inquisition, but two. This only caused Azura to stress more as now she was caught having to pretend that she, her captain and a few other members were pirates among all the very real pirates. Which at this point Azura demanded that the captain be completely honest from her and no longer hide any secrets from her. It didn't help that at this time Zephyr showed her his "appreciation" by handing her a Dwarven Aphrodisiacs that he had gotten from Biggs. Not really sure if Zephyr knew what he was implying or not she attempted to play coy and explained that she appreciated the thought but she found him to be childish and immature. But that he also had potential to do something great and she would do what ever she could to help me achieve that.   She didn't see much work after that until they took off to travel to Lumera on a job for Biggs. During their travel they ran across another merchant ship and attacked it. She was honestly upset with how belligerent the captain was about raiding the ship when he quickly decided to simply ram their ships together. A melee broke out until the merchant crew surrendered. Azura took her soldiers to secure any remaining members of the merchant ship and secure it's goods. She would of had some choice words to have with her superiors but Maria had beaten her to the punch that day.   Azura helped Zephyr find The Faceless who interrogated Zephyr and promptly made him think she was killing one of his members every time he was evasive or dishonest with her. Azura was the first to get dragged away for execution. While she was quite upset that zephyr acted in a manor that put her life into jeopardy. Although she followed him to hunt down a turncoat among the Faceless' men.   While crawling through a hidden "saferoom" filled with undead they managed to find the traitor and take his information learning that he was trying to sell off information on the Faceless to someone in an attempt to rule Lumara's Underworld Himself. They subdued him and attempted to leave when Gray found some people who were apparently trapped down in the safehouse as hostages. There was a short argument where the captain ordered everyone to leave as they were already exhausted and Gray thought it was important to see if they were hostages and if they were alive. Azura sided with the captain and told Gray she would be on her own if she disobeyed orders. Gray was murdered when the hostages turned out to be zombies that then spilled into the hall resulting in the death of their medic Bert and the near death of Gut. This affected Azura negatively as because she knew it Gray would disobey and Azura didn't stop her, it resulted in the death of both her and their medic.   After turning completing the job for the faceless their crew was forced into another job. Azura deemed herself mentally unfit to go on the mission and stayed behind.   When the captain and his away team came back Azura was annoyed to find that Zephyr was forced to bring in two of the Faceless' men as crewmembers to ensure that their new alliance was maintained. She was equally annoyed that Zephyr also enlisted a good portion of the crew to fight in a competition during the Lumara's festival. Things only went downhill when she ran into her Ex, Vulen. Who was excited to see her and to attempt to reestablish a talking relationship, at least. So much so that he made a bet with Azura that if she beat him she'd never have to talk to him again. She took that bet and lost, resulting with her having to keep in touch with Vulen and as a result occasionally gets a paper bird delivered to her. She was also offered to return to Lumara where he'd help her reestablish her reputation as he could see how unhappy she was. She almost accepted the offer but changed her mind at the last minute not wanting to run from her responsibilities again.   When they stumbled across a dialect ship named The Siege Breaker, Azura and her crew kept a clear path for Zephier and his crew as they cleared the strange zombies that infested the ship to save someone who was trapped on the ship as well as pilfer some much needed loot. However, when the captain came back having an intelligence no greater than an infants it was up to Azura to not only aid the captain as he recovered, but stand in as temporary captain (which she was openly not excited about.) until they got back to Bigland. There was some suspicions that azura was trying to take control on this ship in order to drive it to her own ideals, but these allegations were squashed by Duerdin and Kargus.   Once back in Bigland. The party abruptly found that a blockade was placed by the Inquisition of Anarazhul. The crew took a job to meet a diplomat named Coal who agreed to meet with Horlen so they can negotiate a truce as both sides were assuming that there may be a war between them on the horizon. They met him at a social party, during which the town as attacked by a large gang of gnolls. Azura got caught out on her own and was tricked when a guard (who was a doppelganger in disguise) Stole Beatrix, Coals sister, whom she was escorting home. Azura managed to survive the ambush barely.   She almost lost hope when she received a letter from Zephyr telling her she was on her own to make it back to Jadewing Hall. Some citizens stumbled across her near death when she learned Gut and Coal were helping to get them to safety. Despite her wounds she aided Gut and Coal in killing a Owlbear and gnolls and clearing a path to Jadewing Hall. It was there they learned the gnolls were lead by a long thought dead gnoll warlord called the Ragefang. She assisted in an attempt to make atonement to Coal for failing to protect his sister. They managed to fight off the gnolls and save Beatrix, but Zephyr died in the battle only compounding Azura's thought of ineptitude and devastation that she lost someone she considered a close friend at the least.   The Crew held a vote for who would be the new captain and despite her demand to not be voted in she came in 3rd for votes after a tie with Gut and Kargus.   The Crew escorted Coal back and because they were in need of cash, Azura lead her team to clear out some mines while Gut and his crew hunted down a serial killer. The mines turned out to be a nest for some basilisks that almost killed her and Dograd. but the party managed to cure her in time to help kill the other Basilisk.   She is now bound back to meet with Vulen Bloodfang.


Vulen Bloodfang

Exlover (Vital)

Towards Azura Crosswind


Azura Crosswind

Exlover (Trivial)

Towards Vulen Bloodfang



Azura and Vulen met During the skirmishes of Anhew. Azura ended up running across Vulen during a battle in which Vulen was caught trying to kill a couple Ork looters in attempt to take their gains for himself. Azura assisted him and return he aided her by providing as much information as he could about The Skull Takers. While Vulen stuck close to Azura despite not having very much combat training or experiance, and ended up forming a valuable friendship with her.  After the Skirmishes ended and Anhew was saved it was time for Azura to return home. Vulen, not wanting to lose this new friendship, begged Azura to take him with her and help him at least to find a temporary place to stay and help him climb through The Trials of Fire. To which she did. Vulen managed to stay and work for the Temple of Onixath. In addition with continued help from Azura he catapulted his status in Zaneunisal, and eventually became a paladin to defend it. It was also during this time He and Azura went from friends to lovers. The next year Azura and Vulen were fairly happy. They would often work with each other to ward of threats and spent most of their free time together. Vulen even made good relations with Azura's family. When a Plague Took Azura's grandfather, Drakon she became distraught which lead to a major argument between the two. This also lead to their separation, although Vulen didn't realize it until he had found she left Turnock Tolgalen entirely.

Azura Crosswind


Towards Drakon Crosswind


Drakon Crosswind


Towards Azura Crosswind



Drakon was Azura's idle as she grew up. She wanted to be just like him and become an idle to her people as well. She ultimately joined the military instead of adventuring to stay close to her home and family. With Drakon's Guidance Azura became a stellar soldier and was rapidly on her way to becoming a captain. Drakons falling ranks, and sudden sickness from the plauge caused Azura great distress. Drakon tried to pass on the Obsidian Claw to Azura, however she refused not feeling she was ever going to measure up to Drakon. His death is what led her to flee from Turnock Tolgalen

Azura Crosswind


Towards Hilo Horlin


Hilo Horlin


Towards Azura Crosswind


Azura Crosswind

Friend (Important)

Towards Thorim Brewstrike



Thorim Brewstrike

Friend (Important)

Towards Azura Crosswind




Thorim is the newest member of The Wyrd Riders. Azura withholds any information that isn't cleared to Thorim who hasn't pressed due to respecting protocol. Their relationship is merely that of a working one. Although Azura does hold hope that this dwarf will not be as bothersome as the others on The Relentless.

Coal Ukarlen

Friend (Important)

Towards Azura Crosswind


Azura Crosswind

Friend (Important)

Towards Coal Ukarlen



Coal finds Azura very attractive, and has made no illusions about wanting to bed her. Even more so when he learned she is the grandaughter to Drakon Crosswind. Azura has been lukewarm to Coals advancements at best. Aside from this there is still a respect between them and perhaps even a friendship. One Azura would like to keep long distance for now.

Zephyr Swiftwind

Captian (Vital)

Towards Azura Crosswind


Azura Crosswind

Crew (Vital)

Towards Zephyr Swiftwind



Zephyr trusted no one on the ship more than Azura. Ultimately, he ended up trying to earn her affection while trying to make amends for getting her arrested in Bigland. Azura found his many misguided attempts to appease her admirable, but annoying. Though she did start to warm up to him after a while. Zephyr's affection for Azura did land him in a bit of trouble when a doubleganger assumed her form and seduced him long enough to attempt to strangle him to death.  Despite Azura's protectiveness over Zephyr's well being, she wouldn't be able to protect him when he was murdered by The Rage Fang. Another black mark Azura feels she hasn't made up for.

Gut Ravenroot


Towards Azura Crosswind



Azura Crosswind


Towards Gut Ravenroot




Azura is originally the one who hired Gut aboard the Knoledge seeker (Now The Relentless) under the orders of Zephyr Swiftwind. They've since grown a great trust and respect for each other. Even more so now that Gut has become Captain. 

An ex-military soldier who ran away from home. In her desperation she ended up in the Employment of The Fools Gold Brigade. Now she's been assigned as first mate to The Wyrd Riders.

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Drakon Crosswind (Grandfather)

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