Finigan Finch Character in Ararim | World Anvil

Finigan Finch

Personal History

Finigan Fitch, affectionately known as "Fingers" within the criminal underworld, has always lived a life of crime. Originally a skilled thief, his penchant for getting into trouble led to him losing one of his fingers in a skirmish with a rival gang. Undeterred by this setback, Fingers transitioned into the role of a fence, using his connections and street smarts to broker deals and move illicit goods in and out of Idwala.


Physical descriptions

Appearance & Attire

Fingers is a short gnome with ashy white skin and oily red hair that always seems to be in disarray. His pointed ears and big green eyes give him a mischievous appearance, further accentuated by the numerous rings adorning his fingers and multiple piercings decorating his ears and nose. He typically dresses in dark, nondescript clothing that allows him to blend into the shadows of the city streets.


Concealed Items

Hidden beneath his cloak, Fingers carries a human dagger that he wields with surprising skill, despite its size, and a hand crossbow for situations where subtlety is required. These weapons serve as both tools of his trade and means of self-defense in the dangerous world of crime.


What do they sound like

Fingers talks fast, his words tumbling out in a rapid-fire stream of consciousness that can be hard to follow for those not accustomed to his frenetic pace. His voice is high-pitched and jittery, reflecting his nervous energy and constant state of alertness.




Fingers is motivated by a desire for wealth and influence, constantly seeking out new opportunities to make a profit and expand his network of contacts. Despite his shady reputation, he takes pride in his ability to connect people and goods, viewing himself as a facilitator rather than a criminal.


Personality Traits

Fingers is charismatic and street-smart, able to charm his way out of most situations with his quick wit and silver tongue. However, his tendency to over-promise and under-deliver can sometimes land him in hot water, leading to strained relationships and burned bridges within the criminal underworld. Despite this flaw, he remains resilient and adaptable, always ready to bounce back from setbacks and find new opportunities for profit.



One of Fingers' biggest flaws is his tendency to overextend himself in pursuit of profit, often biting off more than he can chew and finding himself in over his head as a result. His jittery nature and nervous energy can also make it difficult for others to trust him, leading to frequent misunderstandings and conflicts.



Despite his checkered past and reputation as a criminal, Fingers still holds onto a sense of loyalty to those he considers allies and friends. He may be opportunistic and self-serving, but he also values the bonds of camaraderie forged through shared experiences and mutual trust. Deep down, he longs for the acceptance and respect of his family, who abandoned him long ago, but he knows that his chosen path in life makes reconciliation unlikely.

Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ashen white
3ft 6


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