Session 13: Leasure hands make light work Report in Ararim | World Anvil

Session 13: Leasure hands make light work

General Summary

Meeting Fingers the Fence

  • The party was introduced to Fingers, a cunning fence with connections to the criminal underworld.
  • Fingers revealed he had been smuggling technology for the Black Hand bound for Yuzan on a sky ship, which had unfortunately crashed in the sands.
  • He informed the party that the ship's captain was Hideraux Migel, providing them with a crucial lead.
  • Escape from the Red Cloaks

  • The party narrowly escaped the attention of the Red Cloaks, who were actively searching for them.
  • Keyes and the Angel Minerva

  • They discussed the peculiar situation of how Keyes no longer attracted the attention of the angel Minerva, adding a layer of mystery to their journey.
  • Access to the Skyport

  • The party discovered Corrin's strong ties with airships, which proved invaluable.
  • Corrin used his connections to gain the party access to the skyport.
  • At the skyport, they met Stevern, the receptionist, who guided them to Squal, a sky captain.
  • Through a skillful conversation with Squal, they obtained a beacon radar programmed to locate the fallen ship.

  • Personal Airship and Northern Sands

  • They signaled Leopold and Corrin's personal airship for transport to the northern reaches of the sands, preparing for their next phase of the mission.

  • Kolme's Technology Habit

  • Kolme's frequent use of the AffirMe App on her HellPhone was noted, indicating her reliance on daily affirmations for motivation.

  • Djinn and Wind Storms

  • The party deduced that the Djinn were intentionally creating wind storms to disrupt trade because the tariffs were not being paid.
  • They decided to exploit the situation to their advantage.
  • Griffin Jousting Smear Campaign

  • To break up the griffin jousting, the party orchestrated a smear campaign between two of the Djinn.
  • By morning, their efforts bore fruit as the skies cleared, the castles parted, and Sinstergram buzzed with scandalous activity.
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    A Homekolming - Kolme has found her place in the party
    Keyes: Here comes the sun
    Report Date
    24 May 2024
    Primary Location
    Related Characters


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