Idwala Skyport Building / Landmark in Ararim | World Anvil

Idwala Skyport

History & Introduction

The Idwala Skyport, operated by Tradewind Transport, stands as a symbol of the city's rapid growth and prosperity. Established as a central hub for sky trade, this recent addition has become a gateway to the skies for the affluent and noble classes. With the rising wealth of Idwala, fueled by the success of the Radain Rhinos and the allure of the Oasis Spa district, the Skyport attracts a steady flow of distinguished travelers seeking luxury and convenience.

Physical Description


The Idwala Skyport is an impressive structure crafted from smooth, golden sandstone, blending harmoniously with the surrounding desert landscape. Rising proudly from the ground, it boasts a towering height that catches the eye from afar. The architecture features a combination of intricate carvings and elegant design elements, exuding an air of opulence.   The central focus of the Skyport is its four spacious docking platforms, expertly constructed to accommodate skyships of various sizes. Each platform is meticulously maintained and equipped with advanced technology to ensure safe and efficient departures and arrivals. Atop the structure sits a large domed glass structure, serving as a grand entrance and a stunning observation deck, offering breathtaking views of the cityscape and the endless expanse of the desert.


The internal working of the sky port is designed around their clientele, providing VIP lounges and relaxation boutiques that are exclusively for their paying customers.
Level 1 - Administration - Trade & Shopping
Level 2 - Spas & Lounges
Level 3 - Repairs and Maintenance
Level 4 - Docking and departures

Auditory cues

Within the bustling Idwala Skyport, a symphony of sounds fills the air. The constant hum of conversation blends with the occasional echoes of skyship engines, creating a lively atmosphere. Traders negotiate deals, passengers exchange farewells or eagerly recount their adventures, while the soft chimes of the floating disks add a musical quality to the surroundings.


As visitors step inside the Idwala Skyport, they are greeted by a pleasant mixture of scents. The delicate aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby café mingles with the subtle hint of sandalwood incense, creating an inviting and calming ambiance. The scents of exotic spices and perfumes carried by travelers from distant lands add an intriguing layer to the air.

Items for sale

The Idwala Skyport offers a range of high-end goods and services to cater to the discerning tastes of its clientele. Elegant boutiques line the interior, showcasing fashionable attire, exquisite jewelry, and luxury travel essentials, including finely crafted travel bags and accessories, can be found in specialty shops.   Additionally, the Skyport houses a renowned bookstore, offering a curated selection of literature and maps for adventurers seeking new horizons.
  Travel and transport costs
Private trasport per person per day of 50gp
Ship repairs and maintenance - 12gp per day + parts

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