Idina Nelly Flint Character in Arbor | World Anvil
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Idina Nelly Flint

Idina was the Chief inspector for the Third Ring of Arbor and before her assassination was the last living Chief Inspector in Arbor leaving the Green Cloaks in quite a precarious position. For her part Idina was a good Greenie she was not on the take and from all accounts could not be bought. She as also an exceptional fighter and capable of quite a few feats of strength during her career which is likely why she was promoted to where she was today. It is likely though that her good nature and unwillingness to bend the rules is what got her singled out for assassination. However death was not the end for Idina and she still haunts the The Green Duck at least for now.  
"If you aren't the target of assassination at least once a fortnight you're probably on the take when you get to my level! - Idina Flint




In Life Idina was a tall strong looking Earth Touched woman, skin like granite with glittering Rubies for eyes that gave her a truly imposing appearance. She almost never took off her Green Cloak uniform prefering it to even regular clothes. Her particular uniform lacked sleeves as she thought they just got in the way and she much prefered her fists to any weapons that were provided for her.  


In the present day though Idina is much transformed a translusent blue/green spectre that haunts the halls and function rooms of the Green Duck. Much of who she was is still viisible the rocky like skin and larger than life body, but her eyes have been replaced by burning red coals that seek out the souls of the wicked and the damned.  


Many would hate Idina if they got on the wrong side of her or her sense of justice. She was unflinching in the pursuit of those she deemed to be doing wrong by innocent people. More often than not she would chase people down personally making sure they were brought to face justice before the courts or her fists if they resisted. Some would say she had a soft heart under all that rock and muscle but it's kind of hard to see it when she's bludgeoning criminals on the streets screaming at the top of her lungs all of this was before her transformation and now it's just enough to let her be if she's seen in the Green Duck.  


Idina is something of a success story and one held up as an example to those who come from little by the Green Cloaks themselevs. She started out in the Twigs as a beat cop a rough part of town where the only way to survive is to but your boot on someones neck before they put it on yours. Idina though was big strong and dangerous enough that even as a rookie Greenie the smaller gangs and companies knew she was more trouble than she was worth. It was this combined with her attitude toward justice that caused her to catch the eye of Minerva Cynthia Buckle the Deputy Commisioner and giver her a chance at advancing beyond a simple beat cop.  


Any relationship that Idina has with anyone likely died with her though many have seen someone leaving flowers and even attempting to give some to the ghost that haunts the Green Duck  


Idina was fiercly loyal to the Green Cloaks that serve under her  


Freaksihly strong Idina was an expert boxer and could enhance her already considerible stopping power with the training and elemental energies that raged though her frame. If she hadn't been asassinated it's likely few people in the city would have been able to fight her.  


Standard issue police weapons and armor though she never used much of either.
Current Status
Deceased, Ghost
Current Location
1878 GT 1926 GT 48 years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
The Green Duck
Aligned Organization


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