The Green Duck Building / Landmark in Arbor | World Anvil
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The Green Duck

A place where the weary beat cop might rest his head. The Green Duck is not the only pub in the city where you might find a Green Cloak three sheets to the wind but it's definitely the most popular. The Green Duck is owned by a retired Green Cloak who took his pension and bought the place some years back. Since then it has become a place where retirement parties, mourning ceremonies and other related functions are held for current and retired members of the Green Cloaks. This is not to say that they refuse service to others that might not carry the badge, but it should come as no surprise that weapons are to be left at the door and anyone not in the Green is eyed with heavy suspicion when entering.  
"All those Greenies gathered in one place it's either the safest bar in the city or the most dangerous, depending on how flirtatious you are with the law." - Zull Throat Snapper


From the outside with the exception of the sign the Green Duck looks like any other pub that you can find in the Second Ring. Windows that appear to be made of normal glass a door with a little bell to alert the publican and on warm days a number of tables and chairs to sit out front and enjoy a pint. The inside is much the same with the exception of the ever present Green Cloak presence if one were to wander in off the street you would think it like any other pub along the row. However a closer look will reveal that the glass is made of a type that is nigh indestructible, the door that swings open to easily is aided by a steam powered cylinder and a good thing to as the reinforcement has increased its weight quite a bit. The owner clearly knows with this many Cloaks frequenting the place might be a target so has taken steps to make the Green Duck a veritable fortress if needs must.  


The Green Duck serves as the place for retired/retiring Greenies to be given a proper send off before ending a career or after one has ended their service prematurely. As such it can be considered almost a holy ground for them even though officially it has no backing from the organization officially. Unofficially it has served as a safe house for those running from corrupt elements of the city offering safe haven for a hefty price.  


The Green Duck has changed hands many times in its lifetime and changed names twice as often. It's current owner though acquired the Duck after a particularly nasty run in with The Flamewalkers. The incident left him scarred and without the use of his right arm which no magic or science could restore. However it was in this line of duty that the young officer @Mark Weston saved the life of one of the Old Families children. In their gratitude they granted him a boon, he couldn't be a cop anymore so he asked for the funds to become a publican. They did one better though and became his investors allowing him to buy the Green Duck, fix it up and supply it with some of the finest alcohol in the city. The family of course kept this partnership very public as it never hurts to have a friend in the force.  


Some say that the Green Duck itself is a Memoria that old Greenies are occasionally spotted among the guests during particular functions. Ghostly apparitions who raise a glass to those fallen or those who reached an end to their service. Most people who work in the Duck have said that they believe the rumor, that the old ghosts of former Greenies stake the place out and for some it's the last stop on their beat.  

Special Properties

None, a special pub is still just a pub.
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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