The Green Cloaks Organization in Arbor | World Anvil
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The Green Cloaks

The Green Cloaks are the organization tasked with maintaining law and order in Arbor, but they are plagued by corruption. Many members of the Green Cloaks are easily bribed due to poor pay and working conditions, and as a result, they act more like hired muscle than protectors of the law. They take kickbacks and do side jobs for anyone who can pay them, and their corruption is so widespread that the general population views them more as a gang than as guardians of justice. The leaders of the Green Cloaks have tried to curb this behaviour and punish those caught, but they have had little success in rooting out the systemic corruption within their ranks. Not all Green Cloaks are corrupt, but enough are that the reputation of the organization has been severely tarnished. In this dystopian society, the Green Cloaks are a symbol of the corruption and decay that plagues Arbor.  
"...Damn Greenies are everywhere today can't swing a cat without hittin one, real problem though is can't say for sure if the one that nicks ya will throw you in jail or take half your earnings"
-Filtwick "Whiskers" Black career criminal

Public Agenda:

Publicly the Green cloaks are the thin green line that keeps the peace in the city of Arbor. Their jurisdiction extends to most of the city though there are a few places they have deemed to dangerous or too problematic to have a sizeable presence in, such as the Inner Ring which is maintained by The Seekers or the Twigs which is largely left lawless. In the case of the Twigs much of the ring is left to the Factory Bosses or the many companies that like nothing more than ending the lives of any Greenie caught out after dark or alone in a dark alley.  

Public Perception:

Lower Class

The Green Cloaks or Greenies as the poor call them are generally regarded with suspicion, derision or even outright hatred. Every person will know someone who has been on the receiving end of one of their boots to a throat for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even worse due to the massive corruption often times the Green Cloaks are responsible for maintaining the horrible working conditions in the factories that most of the lower class work in either directly by putting down efforts to unionize or by looking the other way when employees go missing or are injured as the result of the work environments they are forced to work in. One exception this general view is those that seek employment with them view it as a method to advance themselves out of the gutter, though they are often viewed as traitors by the people they leave behind.

Middle Class

There exists a divide here that depending on who you ask as to what someone will think of the occupying force that enforces the law within the city. Some especially those on the more privileged side regard the green cloaks as protectors even going so far as to worship them as heroes. Still others have learned the hard way that the police only seek to maintain the status quo, that the motto to serve and protect only applies as long as you don't rock the boat too hard.

Upper Class

Largely those of the highest privilege see the Green cloaks as their employees using them as a personal detective force to right whatever they feel has wronged them, and largely they are correct. The Green Cloaks will as a rule bend over backwards to ensure the interests of the Upper Class is protected even at the detriment of others.


Shortly after the city established the First Ring there grew a growing concern with the then leaders of the small city that the populace itself could rise up against its rulers usurp control and lead itself into anarchy and chaos. Now while the The Great Tree Workers could manage and maintain the flow of goods from the tree what happened to them once they came into the hands of the citizenry was largely left unchecked. This need for a force that could be used to manage the population and keep them under control and follow the laws that the The Silver Council handed down, this was how the Green cloaks came into being, originally not as a way to protect the population from the criminal element but to protect its elites from its own population, as most police are.  

Attire / Common Garb / Quirks:

  • Long peacoat made of Great Tree Fiber, dyed deep green with large buttons denoting rank
  • Shoulder guard for lieutenant and above
  • Long black slacks
  • Black leather boots
  • Standard issue Steam Pistol
  • Inner holster
  • Green Breton Cap marked with station and badge number

    Written Description:

    A long dark green peacoat soaked through by the rain over head covers a well built muscular man, his black leather boots making considerable noise against the cobble road. he passes by and he tips his green breton hat to you while looking you over and muttering "good day". As he walks past you notice the Intricate Steam pistol at his side in it's holster safety on the light from the Star Light inside just barely shining through. As he continues down the road he pauses to look down an alley where the sounds of a struggle are heard. They shout into the darkness, to a person out of eyeline, a hand comes out and a few Leaves are thrust into his outstretched palm a dumbfounded look on his face and everyone in the street holds their breath, is this one going to be a hero or take the money?

    Structure and Hierarchy:

    The green cloaks have a fairly rigid hierarchy while still allowing for vertical movement in ranks should those at the bottom prove themselves in one way or another. This carrot of advancement is one of the ways that the Green Cloaks attracts so many young people to it's doors. In a world where social mobility is all but non-existent this is one of the few ways where a person can move up the social ladder from the very poorest to a respectable place in society. The green cloaks number in total around three thousand strong making them one of the largest employers within the city. In addition to the listed ranked hierarchy below you also have a soft system of seniority when determining who is in charge. There are also a large number of support staff that provide logistical support for the Green Cloaks including providing vehicles, weapons, armour, food and medical services and supplies.  


    Role and Responsibility: The bottom rung these are your beat cops and general dogs bodies. There are a lot of them and they are the face the public most sees when interacting with the Green Cloaks. However as mentioned earlier they are not paid particularly well and so can be easily swayed by promises of a few extra Leaves.
    Uniform: Brass Buttons a low grade material but one that can be polished to produce a truly spectacular shine.


    Role and Responsibility: Investigatory personnel, these Green Cloaks will pursue leads that constables might bring in and generally tackle cases involving murders, drug trafficking or other more long term problems. Much more focused on high profile cases rather than petty crime they can find it difficult to see the trees from the forest at times.
    Uniform: Silver buttons a beautiful metal though one easily tarnished by the outside world, Inspectors would do well to remember that staring too long into the Abyss may lead to it staring back.


    Role and Responsibility: The tasks and duties of the Sergeants can vary quite a bit however you will find them in charge of like weapon storage, evidence lock ups and in a more general sense supervise the inspectors and Constables. It is their role to pick out the promising candidates for promotion and advancement.
    Uniform: Great Tree Wood Buttons, the symbol of our city stronger than steel and more beautiful than gold those that wear these have earned their place in the world.


    Role and Responsibility: A Lieutenant is in charge of a single precinct making sure that the day to day activities of that station are up to standard and that cases are being worked in a timely fashion and appropriate fashion taking external priorities into consideration
    Uniform: Steel Shoulder Guard, Steel is a strong metal and so too are the Lieutenants as much rides upon their shoulders.


    Role and Responsibility: A Commander is in charge of at least 3 precincts managing and making sure that things run smoothly within their area In addition coordinating when the need arises for inter precinct cooperation. This does not happen that frequently so Commanders day to day activities usually involve hiring and firing of individual officers.
    Uniform: Steel and Copper Shoulder Guard, A blending of two metals as Commanders must blend the needs of those in their care.

    Chief Inspector:

    Role and Responsibility: There were 5 Chief Inspectors 1 for the First Ring 2 for the Second Ring and 3 for the Third Ring however after 2 were murdered and their bodies dumped on Ironbark Station steps Idina is the only one who isn't feeding the tree or retired early. A Chief Inspectors job is to take on special cases and to track down the most dangerous of criminals. They have authority to command most of the Green Cloaks resources in their pursuit of order and justice.
    Uniform: Each Chief Inspector is afforded a lot of leeway with their uniforms each one is unique and brings a unique talent to the Green Cloak

    Deputy Commissioner:

    Role and Responsibility: Minerva Cynthia Buckle is second in command and due to policies put in place by her She and Lucius are never in the same building at any time. This may seem like a paranoid precaution but Minerva has survived 12 assassination attempts so her paranoia may be justified. Her role is to oversee general employee morale and recruitment.
    Uniform: The Deputy Commissioners Shoulder Guard is constructed of polished Great Tree Wood our city protects them as they protect us


    Role and Responsibility: Lucius Columbus Fleming is in charge of everything from Ironbark Station he oversees the entirety of the Green Cloaks and their movements. He is responsible for any new policies that the Green Cloaks enact and establishing new precincts where needed.
    Uniform: The Commissioners Shoulder Guard is the same polished Great Tree Wood as their second with one difference a sliver of silver heart wood in the center the heart of the city goes with them.

    Notable People:

    • Idina Nelly Flint -Chief Inspector for the Third Ring (murdered and turned into a ghost at a policemans retiree function at the Green Duck a pub in the 2nd Ring culprit has not been caught)
    • Minerva Cynthia Buckle -Deputy Commissioner
    • Lucius Columbus Fleming -Commissioner
    • Lieutenant Jameson -A strict but fair leader of the Green Cloaks, Captain Jameson is known for his no-nonsense approach to enforcing the law. He takes his duty to protect the citizens of Arbor seriously, and is not afraid to stand up to corruption and abuse of power within his own organization.
    • Inspector Maria -A seasoned investigator with a keen mind and a sharp eye for detail, Detective Maria is one of the most respected members of the Green Cloaks. She is known for her dedication to solving crimes and bringing perpetrators to justice, and is respected by her colleagues for her professionalism and integrity.
    • Constable Jake -A new recruit to the Green Cloaks, Officer Jake is eager to prove himself and make a difference in Arbor. He is passionate about justice and wants to make a positive impact on the city, but he is also naive and sometimes gets in over his head.
    • Sergeant Thompson -A gruff, no-nonsense veteran of the Green Cloaks, Sergeant Thompson is not afraid to get his hands dirty to get the job done. He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising, but also has a soft spot for those in need.
    • Constable Sarah -A young, ambitious member of the Green Cloaks, Corporal Sarah is eager to climb the ranks and make a name for herself. She is smart and resourceful, but sometimes lets her ambition cloud her judgment.


    The Green Cloaks would like to say they have command of the entire city, but what they would like to say and what reality is are not often the same. So it is more fair to say that they do have a presence in most of the city from Third Ring to Inner Ring, however in some Branch's of the city you will find neither hide nor hair of them.  

    Notable Structures:

      Ironbark Station in the First Ring the first precinct established in Arbor and the largest, it's jail cells are often brimming with the criminal element and it's here that offices for the Commissioner and other high ranking officials are.   The Green Duck in the Second Ring a pub that caters almost exclusively to Green Cloaks. A place of frequent retirement parties and mourning ceremonies.
    Civil Services
    Alternative Names
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Controlled Territories

    Uneasy alliance

    The tree workers protect the inner ring and while technically the two are on the same side and seek the same things there is a bit of friction when it comes to who is supposed to do what along the borders.


    The Factory bosses are working everything they can to subvert the Green Cloaks, bribery blackmail whatever they can to make sure the officials stay on their side and any twigs who fall into the machines never see any justice.

    This article has no secrets.


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