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Travel in Arbor

Arbor stands as a metropolis amongst others, a sprawling expanse where transportation options are as varied as its dimensions. This document endeavors to provide a concise guide to the array of conveyances available, along with their associated costs and potential perils.  
"You've got your private car, your taxi, your steam train under or overground, you got your canal boat but if you're really skint there's always walkin" - Arbor guidebook

Modes of Transport

  Arbor offers an array of transportation choices, yet navigating this plethora of options can be a daunting task. Below, you will find a comprehensive list of the means available to the citizens of Arbor:  


Utilizing the most primal mode of locomotion, walking remains a viable option. However, prudence is advised, as certain areas of Arbor are perilous, especially during the nighttime hours.  

Rate of Travel

On average, traversing one branch takes approximately an hour. Depending on your location within the city, crossing Arbor's entirety could easily consume an entire day.  


Hazards are contingent upon your journey's route. Navigating the twigs brings you into contact with a host of unsavory characters. While in the inner reaches, the vigilant presence of the Green Cloaks may offer protection. However, venturing inward, though safer, may necessitate parting with your hard-earned leaves to ensure an uneventful passage.
RingEncounter On?
Canopy 1
Inner Ring 1-3
First Ring 1-4
Second Ring 1-6
Third Ring 1-8
Twigs 1-10


Though the once-thriving canals of Arbor have diminished, they remain a functional mode of travel, limited in scope yet still in use.  

Rate of Travel

The canal system offers a relatively expedient journey, with approximately 30 minutes needed to cross a branch. Canals exist in the Inner, First, and Second Ring, yet access beyond these areas requires a DC 10 luck check. Additionally, canals may offer a secretive route into the Silver Leaf Lake.  


Gondoliers levy a fee of 5 leaves per passenger for transport through the canals.  


The canals themselves pose minimal danger, with the main concern being potential overcharges from gondoliers.


A reliable but not new mode of transit, trains are the preferred choice for thousands of Arbor's citizens, despite some minor inherent risks.  

Rate of Travel

Traveling by train averages around 20 minutes per branch. However, unforeseen magical disturbances can occasionally slow the train temporarily until resolved.


The fare varies according to the chosen class. Unofficially, there exists a fourth class, involving clinging perilously to the train's exterior, a mode advised against due to its complete lack of protection from the magical or mundane threats of the tunnels. For this perilous ride, a single leaf paid to the staff suffices.
First 25 Leaves
Second 10 Leaves
Third 5 Leaves


Hazards vary based on class. Tunnel routes can be perilous due to magical energy saturation in the branches above, and dust build-up, although significantly reduced since The Loss of Number 4. Passengers in higher classes experience fewer effects, with the fourth class offering no protection whatsoever.
EffectDice Range
1 Extreme Magical occurrence
2-5 Major Magical occurrence
6-20 Minor Magical occurrence
21-30 Trivial Magical occurrence
31-100 No Magical occurrence


The premier choice for swiftness and safety, taxis by the The Checkers are, undoubtedly, the most convenient option, albeit with a heftier price tag.  

Rate of Travel

The Checkers Taxi, the city's safest and quickest conveyance, can traverse a branch within minutes. Though the standard pace is approximately 10 minutes per branch, an express option shaves this time down to 5 minutes, albeit with a safety caveat.  


Taxis are a secure means of travel, ensuring passenger safety during transit.  


The fare calculation is branch-based, with the possibility of cost-sharing for group travel. The expense stands at 5 leaves per branch, a reasonable fee for the heightened security the Checkers taxis offer.


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