Summer Camp 24'!

0/32 Diamond Prompt Attempt! Badges, Goals, Prompts, Summer Camp Weekly Updates & More!

Keep Cool this Summer... in the Ice Age!

What's new, Arc Sagas~ 06/24!

Hello- Myth Cross (X), from the World of Pathon! Did you know that the original name for this World was "Pagan"? It was later Changed to "Pathon" to reflect the goals of my Project! Change is the theme of World Anvil's 1st Week of Summer Camp!

This Article has been updated throughout the course of Summer Camp Homework! It has given me a wonderful opportunity to interact with my friends, explore new concepts and strategies, and review Arc Sagas' progress through the themes and assignments! If you're into keeping up with people's goals and Projects, tune in! We're getting ready for this Summer's Hottest Event!

Question! Question!

If Arc Sagas was a refreshing beverage or a delicious meal, what would you describe it as?

Do you enjoy Arc Sagas with cool tea or hot coffee? Whether you're hot to trot or cool cat not, come on down to the Comments spot! Let me know down below!

What is Summer Camp?

SummerCamp is an event held by World Anvil! During the Summer, Anvilites join together to write and create Articles based on specific prompts! It's a great occasion to meet others, share your work, and challenge your creativity; a month long quest to expand your setting!

Last year, I caught the near-end of SummerCamp, but was able to obtain the Copper Badge! I was initially timid on World Anvil- until I met the right Anvilites and began to enjoy the process much more!
This year, I'll be attempting the Diamond Badge! 32 Prompts! I look forward to the Challenge!

Special Thank You!

WA Team & Community!

Recently, I've had a wonderful opportunity to meet many Anvilites as a result of participation within World Anvil World-Building Awards 2024! You voted and Arc Sagas was nominated 2/2 in each of its entries! I want to take this glad moment to thank each and everyone who voted for Arc Sagas, Year-Ender Festival for Hearts & Minds 24', and for having esteem in this ambitious Project! I'll continue to bring you better content, as I learn how to perform the magic of CSS, develop my skills as a World-Builder, and become a better Story-Teller!

Speaking of, Story-Teller's Circle has new members! I'd like to thank each member for their participation in what has been a personal dream! It's a joy for me to surround myself with Writers striving for similar goals- each bringing new and profound experience to the table. Thank you, Story-Teller's Circle and World Anvilites for being an active and dynamic community! You learn about yourself in the process and what you are capable of as a person, so if you find yourself wishing to write with others, Myth X the Story-Teller suggests, "Do so- and gladly!"

Special thanks to Tyrdal of Aran'Sha for the Newsletter suggestion!

I'd like to invite you to explore the magical world of Aran' Sha! Many layers of enchantment await your unveiling, in a World of rich cultures and evocative language! Don't wait! Here's your ticket to excellent Stories!

01: Meta-Morphosis!

Week 1- Change

  • Assignment 1

    Consider what kind of changes would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

  • Assignment 2

    Based on this, decide how many prompts you'll go for during Summer Camp. Obtain the Pledge Document and fill it accordingly!

  • Arc Sagas is a Bright/ Dark Portal High Adventure Urban Fantasy- Literary RPG. Honed Focus Points to clarify Tone & Recent Developments. New Cover/ Logo represents new ideas! Initiated Monthly Newsletter!

  • 0/32: Diamond Prompt!
    10K+ Words! 32 Prompts!
    Priority: Ice Age Articles!
    Focus: 300+ Word Count Articles. Revisions Later!

  • Assignment 3

    Get your categories and tags organized!

  • Assignment 4

    Take a look at your meta, primer, and any other high-level document and update it according to the current state of your world.
  • WIP- Templates!
  • Created new "#ArcSagas", "#SC24", "#SummerCamp" & "#IceAge" tags!

  • Performed Meta-Updates; included new "Action" borders, which help to promote readability, and "Header-Spoilers" to break up information. Plan for Quarterly Maintenance to the Meta!


"Metamorphosis requires a base and a husk.

A husk serves the Life of the Larval stage, but it is this husk that must break and be discarded, before the Larva experiences the Life of the Dragonfly.

One Life's purpose serves the Next. Accept Life as Cycles of Change and Rebirth."

— excerpt from the All-Chemia

02: Of Sagas & Sanctums

Week 2- Refuge!
  • Assignment 1

    Consider what kinds of refuge would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

  • Assignment 2

    Find a community—whether that’s our Discord server, Facebook Group, your RPG or friend group, or something else.

  • Arc Sagas is a Refuge! The central theme of the Personal Journey creates immersive experiences for Players & Readers! GM's will enjoy all the new Tools Arc Sagas provides.
    Spell-Binding Campaigns!

  • Story-Teller's Circle!
    Story-Teller's Circle is a Discord Server dedicated to the growth and development of Writers and World-Builders! Accountability through mutual support and friendship!
    Each one, teach one; it takes a Village!

  • Assignment 3

    Find ways to improve styling and layout in your world!

  • Assignment 4

    If you’re a CSS wizard, maybe take the time now to give it a polish!
  • WIP- Templates!
  • Ice Age has a Brand New Look! Implemented new CSS changes, including Fonts, Colors, and Containers! Will feature in upcoming Articles!

  • CSS Polish has been the entire goal of 24'! VAST improvements- see below!

Included here are Articles highlighting themes of Comfort, Community, and Resilience! Enjoy these gifts this Summer! Start a Camp-Fire, grab an Article, and wrap yourself in the warm embrace of the World of Pathon!

  • Magic Lanterns was the 1st Article I wrote for my 1st World Ember! Represents my most base understanding of CSS! However, that doesn't mean this Article has lost its luster! This wonderful piece expanded a wonderful concept in Arc Sagas- cities and AUTOs lit with brilliant Magical lights! The Asset Cover and content is from the earliest innovations, and has been preserved for posterity!

  • T-Bottan Studded Bedding was written for Curios of Curiousities! This Article received recent updates! It has been a process going back and working on old Templates, new Templates, updating Articles, and ensuring a cohesive design. However, I believe that it will be easier in the future to write these Articles, as I'm learning effective processes.

    Newer Ice Age Articles written for SummerCamp will appear similarly! Elsie Mylee makes a cameo, in the "Coat of Consensus!" Enjoy!

  • Hearthflame Matchbook is another Article that was written during World Ember! I've gone through this one and made a couple of edits, including a new quote (thank you, Demongrey!)

    One of the fun things about writing an Alchemical Fantasy are all of the neat and interesting items and technologies that come about as a result of Magic! Each spell is an invitation to create magical items, which was the process I used to write during WE! 125K Words!

    When writing the TTRPG, I'll look forward to providing more information on how to Craft and Enchant items in Arc Sagas!


"Refugees from the Cold desire warmth of Flame & Sun. As a Refugee, you build a Flame; this Flame summons a Village. Provide Refuges for the Village, and the Village will provide a Refuge within you. Together, you may survive the harsh winter of the soul."
— a tribal Myth Folk belief on Villages

Question! Question!
What is you favorite aspect of a Fantasy or Fantasy Role-Play?

Action? Mystery? Comedy?

Let me know in the Comments Below!

  • How do you have the most fun- whether it's reading a book or playing a game? What point of immersion excites you the most? What do you believe makes for the best elements of Fantasy? What Tools do you use?

  • Arc Sagas seeks to provide environments for any Story! Through the Historical Ages, Players & Readers explore new settings where Cultures collide with Magic & Technology!

03: Source, Origin of Magic

Week 3- Belief!
  • Assignment 1

    Consider what kinds of beliefs would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

  • Assignment 2

    Create a bank of inspirations! Quotes, music, description of experiences and shower thoughts, etc.

Magic System

  • Magic weaves itself into Arc Sagas! Pantheons, Phenomenon, and Technology appear all thanks to the "Source", Origin of Magic!
  • Origin Mythos
    Related to the Original Pantheon- a group of Deities that existed before All-Life.
  • Mythos Pantheon
    Deities from the Mystomythian Folk Lore, collected from the Myst & Myth Folk.

  • Assignment 3

    Find art and pictures that inspire you, and grab a map if you don't have one (and need one).

  • Assignment 4

    Check your inspirations again. Are they still relevant? Can you find any that better represent the current state of your project?
  • Reviewed Hand-Drawn Maps!
  • WIP- Mystomythia,
    "Snowball Pathon"
    • Map of the Ice Age!

  • Active Note-Taker
    Inspiration can strike at any moment! Be open- and curious!
  • Music Playlists
    Reviewed Music Playlist, AS.FM/24, and revised!

    "It isn't difficult to find Magic; Source is in everything. One can live their entire Life before they ever learn their first Spell, not knowing that throughout that Life, Magic was always with them. That power is within you, the perfect vessel for Source. You just have to believe."
    — a Mystic teaching on the personal connection to Source

    04: Cycles, Heat Deaths & Cold Stasis

    Week 4- Decay!
    • Assignment 1

      Consider what kind of decay would fit in with your world's themes, genre, and other foundational points.

    • Assignment 2

      If you like special tea when you write, stock up for a month. Tidy your office, make a “do not disturb” sign, and think about any other last-minute strategies to optimize your writing space and time!


    Eidolons are corrupted powers that influence Cultures throughout Time. From a plane known as Over World, these entities attempt to enter the World through Dungeons.
    • Assignment 3

      Review your world homepage to hook potential readers!

    • Assignment 4

      Take a look at your author profile and pillar articles on your world and polish them!
    • Final Reviews
      • Meta- Quarter Monthly Updates.
      • Home Page- Bi-Monthly Updates.
      • Newsletter- Monthly Updates.

  • Finished!
    Author Profile! Quad-Monthly Updates!

  • That's a WRAP! Summer Camp is here!

    "Constant cycles maintain Universal balance. Sebut Sekt, Goddess of Destruction & Eidolons, gnaws at the fabric of reality, dancing towards heat death of All-Life. Opposing, there is Oah's absence. Without witness and vigil, potential spins to a stop, locked in stasis like a dragonfly in amber, captured and preserved eternal. Against such great cosmic forces, all we can do is pray.

    Decay is the vehicle of Entropy, but our Belief shall be Refuge for our soul survival of the harshness of Changing Times. Take heed, this Ley of Life & Death; you'll meet yourself in between."
    — an Oracle's perspective of Entropy & Faith

    Sneak Peak!

    Arx-Core System

    Magic, Maneuvers & Masteries...

    Arc Sagas TTRPG works on 3 base principles- Casting, Combat, and Covert.

    • Casting: Magic, related to "Source" or "Sorceries". Magic began as Disciplines before an established system, the Houses of Magic.

    • Combat: Maneuvers, a form of martial technique. Martial Artists use these practices to perform physical feats, bordering the super-natural!

    • Covert: Masteries, of skills and Proficiencies. A Mastery represents advanced understanding in a field, such as Dungeon Mastery.

    These 3 principles form the Arx-Core level progression System! Create Ranks through Game-Play; unlock Prestiges!

    ... Who will you become?

    Sample Classes

    • Adept
    • Shaman
    • Berzerker
    • Defender
    • Expert
    • Hunter
    • Duelist, Combat & Covert.
    • Templar, Casting & Combat

    Have another look under the hood Next Month! Issue #02's "Sneak Peek!"


    Question! Question!
    What is you favorite Summer-Time Activity?

    What makes Summer Great?

    Let me know in the Comments Below!

    • How do you have the most fun during the Summer? What's your favorite part of Summer?What makes for the best Summer activities? How do you beat the Summer Heat?

    • I prefer a cool breezy Summer Evening! I like driving, listening to Music, with my back to the Sun! I want to know what your looking forward to? Don't forget: have Fun this Summer!

    Issue #01!

    I'd like to take this opportunity to announce an exciting new update! I'll be developing a mid-month Newsletter- consider this
    "Issue #01"!

    The Newsletter is intended to provide public access to important links; such as Relevant Articles, Discussion Boards, and access to the DevLogs, which tracks progress! Issues will include Highlights from the Community! Special "Sneak Peeks" at the Arx-Core System, as well as fun trivia and information to inspire you on your personal Quest!

    The Newsletter will become part of a monthly Global Post for the WA Community!
    Things are heating up; Summer Camp will soon be here! Do you have everything you need? Here's some tips to keep ice Cool!

    • Protect your time for Writing!
    • Great Tools make great Works!
    • Set Backs? Press through! Go on!
    • Be Kind! Relax & Revise Later! Have Fun!

    Myth X invites you to hoist a Drink in the Comments below! Let's make this Summer fun!

    SummerCamp Homework

    Week 1

    Week 1

    • Change- a Chance to try again!
    Goal #1
    • Avoid Burn-Out & Fatigue! Hydrate! It's Summer!

    Week 2

    Week 2

    • Refuge! No one is an Island!
    Goal #2
    • Be Grateful & Mindful!
      Enjoy Community!

    Week 3

    Week 3

    • Belief! I believe in you!
    Goal #3
    • Read Summer Camp Articles!

    Week 4

    Week 4

    • Decay! Slow down! Smell the Roses!
    Goal #4
    • Cleanse! Min/Max living space!

    Extra Credit!
    • Create a Badge!
      "STC's SC Badge!"
      • Goal: Promoting Task Management & Goal-Setting during the Event!
      • Goal: Create 2 Articles by End of the Month! Perfect practice makes perfect!
      • Goal: Read & Comment on an Article per day during SC!
    • Complete "STC-Homework":
      "Cato's Re-Quest!"
      • Summer Camp "Extra Credit"!

    Story-Teller's Circle!

    Created by MythX & Mochimanoban!
    Moderated by Catoblepon-
    Activity Manager & Dice Moderator!

    Did you know?

    Began WE 23'! Established in 01/24'!
    15 Members! Congratulations, STC!
    Priority: Support & Community- Tools to Succeed! Currently, max cap: will expand in the Future! If you're interested, reach out! Myth X, member of the WA Discord Server! Message Positive!

    Side Note: STC is not a WA Chapter- Myth dispelled! All Chapters Welcome!

    Story-Teller's Circle Member Badge!

    * Original Design donated by Kranjax/ AI! Community driven outcome!

    "Cato's Re-Quest!"

    Catoblepon has given the Story-Tellers a Re-Quest! Consider which of the Articles may associate with the Themes of Summer Camp! How does this Theme reflect in your Setting?

    Answers provided in the
    Extra Credit Spoilers!
    Thank you, Cato! For providing us with a Fun opportunity to expand our Goals this Summer! You Rock!

    #01- Extra Credit

    • Conflict
    • Material
    • Technology
    • Spells
    • Species
    • Geography

    Change is a continuous process of the Personal Journey! There can be Conflicts, but these may lead to a Revolution! The discovery of new Materials or Spells bring forth innovations of Technology. From Titans to the smallest Species, change is in the Geography of the spinning World and the Seasons. Change is gradual, inevitable, volatile, and often, final.

    Change reflects in my setting through the development of new spells and magical technology which makes each Age feel unique! Magical Locales and Species change and evolve throughout Arc Sagas Timeline, making the World feel lived in and rich with growth and expansion!


    #02- Extra Credit

    • Building
    • Country
    • Organization
    • Prose
    • Profession
    • Settlement

    Refuge is a place of peace in Times of need. A Shrine given to a piece of sacred Prose inspires tranquility to those who read it. As the Shrine attracts others, a Building becomes a Temple; the Temple, an Organization. The Organization expands, becoming a Settlement. The King who gathers these Refugees forms a Country. A new Generation of Shield-Bearers learn the Profession. Upon their shields, a scroll of Prose in Times of need, kindling their hearts with merciful rhetoric.

    Refuge reflects in my Project, as it gives Players & Readers a method of escapism. Professions, or rather, Classes, help to give each character their own level of agency. Everyone has a place in the World; whether it be with a Faction, Guild, or Country! It's important to have a strong Community.


    #03- Extra Credit

    • Deities
    • Religion
    • Ethnicity
    • Legend
    • Tradition
    • Document

    Belief forms powerful structures which lead and informs Religion and their Cultures. Ancient Documents hold the rituals and Traditions of Ethnicity, warded by sacred reliquaries. This is how one should keep their own beliefs; personal beliefs are just as holy vows. Those who protect their belief may become Legends, vessels for the mighty powers of Deities divine! Greater challenges await the Champions of the Ideal Deeds!

    Belief is the essence of Magic & Faith phenomenon in Arc Sagas! It's important to cultivate strong, healthy beliefs about oneself and the World. This is explored through multiple polytheistic Pantheons. Avoid limiting and false beliefs!


    #04- Extra Credit

    • Condition
    • Language
    • Vehicle
    • Plot
    • Title
    • Natural Law

    Finally, there is Decay. Entropy is the Natural Law of Constants. A Condition, such as sickness or ailment, breaks down the physical form when Life has failed. Over Time, other things are subject to decay; Plots and Titles lose greater meaning, Vehicles wear and break, and forms of Languages may be abandoned in favor of new methods. Entropy is the natural errosion of all things that bend to eternity; nothing may remain but everything is recycled.

    Decay is the final Theme of Summer Camp's Homework. This was the toughest to consider, but entropy is a part of change. These Article Templates provide measures to explore entropy in various forms; from physical entropy, spiritual decay, or cultural declines and trends, this appears in Arc Sagas in various forms!


    Story-Teller's Summer Challenge!

    Story-Tellers that successfully complete their Goals for Summer Camp are also eligible to receive 1 of 4 commemorative STC- Summer Badges!

    • Diamond Badge- 100 % Goal!

    • Gold Badge- 75 % Goal!

    • Silver Badge- 50% Goal!

    • Copper Badge- Participation!

    Thank you, Story-Tellers! I wish ST members and WA Community alike, a safe and productive Summer!

    Featured Articles

    Award Nominated!
    Street Romance at World's End!

    Year-Ender Festival
    Tradition / Ritual | Jun 15, 2024

    Elsie Mylee

    Written for Cabinet of Curiousities!

    Elsie Mylee Gates
    Character | Jun 15, 2024

    1st Adventure Module!

    Time Crisis
    Plot | Sep 8, 2024

    Time is running out!

    If you Like what you see, consider following along!
    Find out what Arc Sagas has in stock for you!
    — Myth X

    DevLog Timelines
    Discussion Board
    • Includes the Arc Sagas Feedback Board! Let me know how I'm doing!
      I love Discussions! Here or in the Comments!
      This is your friendly invitation to tell me a Story! : D

    Author Bio
    Hello! My name is "Myth Cross"- avid enthusiast of Art, Music, Games, & Stories; also, an aspiring Author, Game Developer, & World- Builder with over 15 years dedicated to the crafts!

    My mission is to push the boundaries of interactive Story-Telling! Whether exploring Hidden Realms or seeking Epic Adventures, you'll find me there! My hopes are to invite readers into a World of unforgettable experience!

    "Arc Sagas" is my 1st Step towards those Goals!

    I'm also the Founder of "Story-Teller's Circle"- a Discord server specialized and dedicated to a vibrant & inspiring community of self-driven WA Writers & World-Builders!! We support each other's goals and celebrate the milestones of our fellow Authors, encourage others to share their work, to seek publishing and promotional opportunities, and otherwise provide a safe, friendly environment for developing ideas & embracing your own talents! We don't boast- we Celebrate!

    "Story-Teller's Circle" is dedicated to fostering the next Generation of Fantasy Writers, right here on World Anvil! Discover new worlds, unlock hidden truths, and explore the heights of your own boundless imagination- with friends!

    Best of Good Luck, World-Builders! Let's meet again! : D

    MYTH X


    Author's Notes

    Happy TimeZones! I hope you enjoyed the 1st Edition format of the Arc Sagas monthly Newsletter! As always, if you have feedback or tips for improval, let me know in the comments below! I hope you'll give my questions some consideration and have a little fun with me before we kick off this year's Summer Camp! Otherwise, this has been a great learning experience! See you later, Anvilite!

    MYTH X

    Please Login in order to comment!
    Jun 6, 2024 23:13 by spleen

    I can't wait to see what you write for SummerCamp!

    Have a wonderful day!
    Jun 7, 2024 08:09 by Myth Cross

    ^^ Looking forward to it! Best of good luck for your Summer Camp 24'! : D

    MYTH X

    Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

    Jun 13, 2024 10:44 by Carolyn McBride

    In answer to your question far above, I like to dip my toes into your world with a steaming, invigorating cup of strong, black coffee in hand. I'm always entertained. You've done a terrific job with your Summer Camp Homework prep, and your first issue of your newsletter, Myth! Keep up the good work!!

    Magic, Dragons & Drama! Uclandia   If the real world is more your thing, come visit Sitka Cove A small town on the brink of explosive change fueled by secrets!
    Jun 13, 2024 13:39 by Myth Cross

    I agree! Coffee is one of the best compliments to a good read! I'm also glad you enjoyed the Newsletter! ^^ Thank you for being a part of the journey!

    MYTH X

    Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!

    Jun 18, 2024 13:29

    I'm going to say Arc Sagas reminds me of a bubbly sweet drink, made with real sugar. It's fun and refreshing and has a lot of energy!   Looking forward to seeing what you do for Summer Camp!

    Jun 19, 2024 10:19 by Myth Cross

    ^^ I had a good laugh, thank you! I appreciate your response! Made me happy to think of Arc Sagas as a fizzy sweet drink! : D   I'm also looking forward to your work this SC! I feel like it's going to be a fun one!

    MYTH X

    Tell me stories! Here's your Ticket to the World of Arc Sagas!