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Allston Preslet is a bit of a walking enigma. He has been a member of several adventuring groups, each of which met a horrific, violent end.   Except for him.   Each time death has stared him plainly in the face, he has walked away unscathed (at least relatively speaking). Despite Death's clear desire to reap his soul, Allston continues to walk the earth; tinkering away on his latest invention or idea for new magic.   Not finding the quiet (albeit chaotic) life of the sequestered rock gnome settlement he grew up in quite to his liking, Allston quickly found his way into the realms of men shortly after coming of age.   He ended up "settling" in Cognance for a time, finding the inquisitive and tinkerer-friendly nature of the city pleasant enough. He joined with a small crafting guild called the Ethereal Eagle where he honed his creative talents and engineering spirit. He also incurred a great deal of debt to the guild; being somewhat gung-ho with his spending in the pursuit of science and discovery (and probably other things.)   Thus his illustrious career as an adventurer began in an attempt to earn more cash. Allston ended up going through near half-a-dozen groups before first encountering the adventuring party attempting to combat Shepherd in the northern, marshy parts of Luma Forest. They came across him as he was desperately attempting to escape the clutches of a hydra that had already eaten the rest of his previous party.   Together, Allston traveled across The Province of Horizon before returning to Cognance to deal with his guild. But this would not be the last Allston would cross paths with this particular party.   He continued to make a name for himself as a prolific artificer and eventually found himself back in Crucible, where he had set up a small shop to aid in his endeavors (and continue to allude the money collectors of the Ethereal Eagle).   When promised a great deal of gold for aiding The White Tower Alliance in their battle against Cataclysm, Allston again found himself in the company of his old adventuring buddies. Since then, he has invoked the wrath of several gods, gotten himself marked for death by a Prince of the Nine Hells, and even found himself momentarily banished to a hidden, impenetrable prison.   Despite all this, Allston persevered: a testament to the folly of Murphy's Law and a reminder that no matter how much the world wants you dead, if you hold your middle finger up high enough, even Death himself will have to respect it.   At the conclusion of The Extinction War, Allston found himself pressed into the service of a Fey Prince whom he had made a deal with during the conflict. After the task was completed, the Prince attempted to hand Allston over to the Devil that still hunted him. But once again, Allston evaded fate; fleeing into the Feywild. As of 1590, his ultimate fate is unknown...
Year of Birth
1150 441 Years old
Unknown Gnomish Settlement in Requiem
Current Residence
Staunchly Atheist (despite having met literal gods)


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