BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Dawncaller lived a curious life. Despite being a hulking goliath of immense strength, he grew up in a delicate little halfling town called Potter'svill located in the hilly Ardlands of southern Horizon.   He was raised by the halflings who found him after he was abandoned by his clan. Why would the goliath do this? It may have had something to do with a unique quirk of Dawncaller's: his body seemed to play home to two souls. One of these souls was a gentle creature who was deeply in touch with the natural world around him, while the other was a fierce, raging beast that commanded an almost unnatural strength. The halflings did their best to raise and nurture both, and in time, Dawncaller was able to achieve a state of fluidity over both of his aspects.   Unfortunately, all good things inevitably come to an end. A bandit raid on Potter'svill saw the deaths of Dawncaller's adoptive father, causing him to fly into a blind rage. When he finally came to his senses, he was covered in blood and leagues away from Potter'svill. Hopelessly lost, Dawncaller eventually found his way to civilization and made decent work as a mercenary, though his two halves were thrown out of balance and never would quite get back in sync.   This eventually led him to Waypointe on that fateful day it was attacked by Shepherd's forces. He travelled with an adventuring party for a brief time, but opted to part ways when a burst of rage resulted in the infamous slaughtering of a passing merchant caravan (but not before permanently dyeing his skin blue via a burst of wild magic).   He again wandered the wilderness for some time before finding a new adoptive home with a nomadic orc tribe. He would travel with the orcs for some time, including when they were summoned to Requiem to join with the Reckoning during The Long Shadow Conflicts. Dawncaller ended up butting heads with the Reckoning's leader, Lazaros, though, and was eventually banished once again. As fortune would have it, he would again cross paths with his old adventuring party and was able to lead them to the goliath sages that would allow them to put Lazaros down once and for all.   Afterwards, Dawncaller again joined the orc tribe, acting as a protector and shaman (depending on which of his halves was in control). They did this with great success until one day, far into their golden years, they went down in a blaze of glory defending his tribe from an ancient white dragon the tribe had inadvertantly awoken while travelling through a distant mountain range.
1194 1281 87 years old
the Southern Oran Mountains
The Sacredness of the Natural World


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