BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Once upon a time, Priscilla had the opportunity to live out the life of a normal peasant girl in a quiet farming village a few day's ride from the nearest city. It would have been a quiet, albeit tame existence; peaceful, even.   Fate had other ideas.   It is well known that the hags that stalk the untamed forests covet children, though there is plenty of wild speculation as to why. The most popular theory is that the hags simply find children delicious. Others believe they feed upon the despair that comes with a missing son or daughter. For the hags that absconded with a young Priscilla in exchange for "services rendered" to the village however, she was an opportunity to continue their lineage.   Simply put, hags aren't born; they're made.   Whatever life she would have had as a peasant, Priscilla was now doomed to the life of a hag. Granted, she never showed much in the way of remorse for this. For centuries, she and her sisters stalked the deepest parts of Luma Forest, preying upon lost travelers and the folks of nearby settlements. For some time, they operated a "commune" deep within the woods where they kept the folk the abducted like cattle, keeping them placated with a hypnotic berry they cultivated.   All this changed when Priscilla opted to pursue an adventuring party that had passed through the area and encountered their commune. She was ultimately unsuccessful in stealing the souls of the party, but she did meet an entity that would irrevocably change the trajectory of her career as a hag: Cataclysm. For reasons that did not concern nor particularly interest her, Cataclysm needed to get a certain tiefling and her amulet of great power away from a besieged city. In exchange for escorting the tielfing through a layer of the Abyss, Priscilla would be given great power.   But in a cosmic twist of irony, the deal had fine print: Priscilla would be bonded forever to Cataclysm in exchange for that power. Willing or not, she would be a pawn in his schemes to destroy the very foundations of existence.   Granted, she was quite willing. Like Cataclysm, her very nature compelled her to seek and deliver death. The option of doing so on such a grand scale was a thrilling design for her. However, as the plan grew closer and closer to fruition, she was faced with the grim reality of her own mortality. While she had relished in the suffering she had inflicted, she did not desire to die herself.   Regardless of her feelings on the matter, she would ultimately not survive to see her patron's goals fulfilled. Ostensibly as "punishment" for falling into a trap and revealing vital details about Cataclysm's plan, Priscilla was stationed as the guardian of the Fey Spire and its connection to the other Planar Spires during the The Extinction War (though she suspected this is where fate would ultimately deliver her anyway). There, she was slain by a team sent by The White Tower Alliance, which ironically included members of the adventuring party that had set her on this path all those years ago...
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Slain by the Party


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