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The Archangels Mechanized Infantry Corps protects the safe zones with their lives against the alien threat. Their weapons are the Titans. Piloted robots standing from fifteen, to twenty-five feet tall. Armed with weapons capable of leveling a city block with little effort. The pilots are called Titanmasters. The Archangels have protected the safe zones well, and with word of recent victories on the offensive, humanity's remains might have a shot at a future.



Safe Zone 1 has an Archangel presence of about four thousand, while Safe Zone 2 has a presence of around one thousand, five hundred Archangels. Of that, around sixty percent of them are Titanmasters. The rest work in other fields, such as financial, intelligence, or mission control.


All field operatives pilot the titans, while the intelligence operatives, and the mission controllers have access to all long range scanners.


The weapons of the Archangels Mechanized infantry unit vary from cannons, to energy beams of every size, and shape.


Other than the titans, the Archangels have a few main vehicles. All Archangel lances are deployed by a NA-mk15 dropship. non-mechanized units will drive armored vehicles.


The smallest unit is a lance of three, or four titans. After that comes a company of three lances. After that is a strike of three companies. After that comes a compliment of three to four strikes. After that comes a battalion of ten compliments. After that comes a corps of three thousand individual titans.


They favor drop tactics. A dropship comes in at high speeds, and drops the titans in a single line. The gee forces are dampened by hydraulic correction systems, and a running landing. The lance then picks off the enemy from the inside, out. Once the enemy is cleared, or if a retreat is forced, the same drop ship will come down at the same speed, and use a massive magnet to pull the titans onto the belly of the ship. In, and out ad absurd speed is how the Archangels fight their battles, as a full-on battle would not last long against these invaders.


Every Archangel titanmaster is an already trained military, or police operatives. The only training required is mental training. They need to train their minds to withstand the strain of piloting a titan with a neural link. Through every possible mental exercise for an extended period of time, they strengthen their minds to the point where piloting this machine is almost like piloting their own body.



The mission control operatives use the safe zones' long-range scanners to get a view of the AO and guide the lance accordingly. Transport pilots are relied upon to get the Archangels to the Ao quickly, and efficiently. Intelligence uses data gathered by scout teams to form a plan that the lance must follow.


Titans are not immortal. They do eventually fail. When such events happen, a new one must be constructed. Each one costs 700,000,000 GC in materials, and labor. Damage is not easily repaired, as there are materials between the armor, and internal structure. These materials are extremely hard to maneuver through, with some maintenance teams simply removing, and replacing the stuff.


The Archangels Mechanized infantry corps wasn't always mechanized. They were once shock troopers, formed with the purpose of allowing humanity to survive long enough to find a more permanent solution to the Mechanon siege on the safe zones. Once the titans rolled off the assembly line, they were the first to strap into the massive machines. They've defended the safe zones well ever since. Now, the people of both safe zones can rest at night knowing they are protected.

Historical loyalties

The Archangels have one loyalty, and one loyalty only: the last surviving few that make up humanity's remains. Any alien threat is marked as a target by the Archangels, and is hunted until the threat is neutralized.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Me, WIth the use of A.I.


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Oct 16, 2023 08:52 by Romaine Ruddy

this is giving me 40k and mass effect vibes, which is two of my favourite worlds/games.

Oct 16, 2023 17:15

Thanks. I love those worlds to. But in all honesty, my inspiration was actually the MechWarrior's of the BattleTech universe.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. -John, 3:16