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The Dark Titans

Technological achievement


Now that offensive operations are made known, there are more oportunities to open new fronts against the alien threat. One such front is one that reuires stealth.

The public now knows of the Archangels' most recent offensive op. They still have no clue the Armageddon Division exists, but they know of one offensive op. This means there are new oportunities to fight the aliens in new ways. One such method is stealth assaults. However, it would be impossible to launch such assaults with the titans, and a normal man is incapable of taking down a mechanon foot soldier singlehandedly.    An engineer named Amanda Smith invented a method of such stealth missions. She called them the Dark Titans. Their stealth capabilities are beyond anything else made by hmanity. It owes its stealth capabilities to its Refractium hull. This breakthrough has not been made public as, Commander Mason Lewis refuses to make it public until a test mission has been performed.

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