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Mason Lewis

The previous leader of the Archangels Mechanized Infantry Corps. He fought this war longer than most, and fought it well. He spent his time either on the front with his fellow Archangels, or overseeing the training of new Archangels. His character may seem aggressive, or even hateful at times, but once you earn his trust he'd sacrifice his life, and soul for you. His favored weapon was the NA-T29 armed with two heavy lasers, one mounted on each shoulder, and a heavy rotary cannon held in his titan's hands. His copilot was his second in command, and closest friend.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From the beginning, he viewed the titans with awe, and wanted to be a titanmaster himself. Once he was old enough, despite his parents refusing to accept it, he became a titanmaster. He climbed the ranks, and eventually found himself leading the Archangels. He made the Armageddon Division, and led them as well. He made them public when he was confident the people would take that knowledge well. He died when humanity destroyed the first mechanon mothership. His name now fills the history records that now fill the libraries of the safe zones.


He had a wife, and two children. He loved them with all his being, and died to save them.


He was a very intelligent man. Able to adapt to nearly any situation. He could improvise his way out of the wastelands with great efficiency. And, he did.


He spent his entire adult life as an Archangel. He climbed the ranks, and soon found himself to be their leader. His lead was enough to drive the aliens off of Earth for a short while.

Accomplishments & Achievements

He launched the first real offensive operations against the aliens. He made an entire unit to do so. He destroyed the mechanon mothership. He died to save everyone in the safe zones.

Failures & Embarrassments

He didn't live to see the peace he gave to humanity.

Mental Trauma

"Is nothing I do good enough to you? I fight every day to save you, and you act like I do nothing! Maybe, father, I could just not fight, and maybe you'd see what I fight to prevent."

Personality Characteristics


He wants to prove to his father that he can contribute to what little is left of humanity without going into the family business being farming. He does this by fighting the alien threat directly.

Likes & Dislikes

He loves anything that has a potential to deal massive damage, and make lots of noise. This is why he claims ownership of the single largest titan in existence.

Virtues & Personality perks

Once you earn his trust, he will never leave your side in battle. He'd sacrifice his very soul if it meant your safety.

Vices & Personality flaws

It is nearly impossible to earn his trust, and this makes it hard to function as a team with him.

Wealth & Financial state

His pay is more than all other military officials as he controls the military. The leaders of the safe zones pay him to do the vital work he does.
Current Status
Honorary & Occupational Titles
He is revered as the leader of the Archangels, and the savior of mankind.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
23rd of September, 2599
Date of Death
14th of July, 2642
2598 A.D. 2646 A.D. 48 years old
Amber, narrow
Black, and grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium brown
170 lbs. muscular
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Not. One. Inch."
Known Languages
He speaks mainly English, though he is fluent in Spanish, and Dutch.

Cover image: by Me, with the use of A.I.
Character Portrait image: by Me, with the use of A.I.


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