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2022-11-16 Emerald Feather Recruitment


Player Characters

  • Green
  • Callisto
  • Miste Ary
  • Val & Soonie
  • Alystin



  • The party planned to follow Alystin's recruitment flyer into the forest to go undercover within the Order of the Emerald Feather. They told Sheriff Karock, who agreed to pay them depending on how much they learned.
  • Captive Emerald Feather members were being held in the town stocks. Civilians threw tomatoes at them. Green threw a tomato so hard that it knocked one member out.
  • The party traveled into the forest toward the recruitment location. They found a huge spider nest, with one struggling coccoon. They defeated the spiders and rescued the cocoon, which contained a dwarf named Gruff. He told the party he lived in the nearby town of Gryphton, thanked them for saving him, and gave them a pair of boots of elvenkind that he had found.
  • The party continued and found the recruitment camp. Alystin approached alone and met Officer Dara, who welcomed him in. She stated that potential recruits would have to prove their skill and dedication with a mission, and that he would have to wait until more arrived. He convinced her that others he had met in the forest might be interested, and that he would go find them. The party agreed to wait a night before returning as a group.
  • As the party camped that night, bats and owls gathered around the party, especially the tree Val climbed into. Val used her woodland creature sign language to communicate, and learned that the animals were afraid of the Beast, but felt safe here. During a later watch, Green cast speak with animals and learned the same information. One fruit bat agreed to join Val on her journey.
  • The next morning, the party returned to the Emerald Feather camp. They were interviewed, one at a time, and asked about their experiences and skills. Most gave fake names, and claimed to be from Brightmeadow (a town friendly to the Order). Callisto spoke of the sun's praises through gritted teeth.
  • The party were asked to capture a colony of ankhegs nearby, and offered 50gp for each one brought in alive. The party successfully captured and tied up the large bugs.
  • Dara and the others in the camp led the party a few miles north to a ring of cabins, pointing out a feather-shaped etching in nearby trees that would help them find it later. They were introduced to the ways of the Order: expectations, pay, and benefits. Two cabins were delegated to the party.
  • Green entertained a crowd of members with his amusing and skillfull dragonchess play. He turned it into an information-trading game, and learned that most members did not know much about the Chiefs or other higher-ups in the Order.
  • Alystin asked Dara to meet her manager, saying that he wanted an autograph. She agreed to collect the autograph on his behalf, but said she wasn't allowed to bring newer members along for the meeting occurring that night.
  • Miste cast disguise self to impersonate Dara, and visited the officer overseeing the armory and the camp as a whole. She learned that Dara's manager is named Cliff, and that he reports directly to the Chief of Arms. She also learned that the meeting between Dara, Cliff, and others would occur that night.
  • Val stalked Dara to the night meeting. Dara convened with two other officers, one of which was Falbin. Dara mentioned the promising new recruits to Cliff, and also mentioned that there were more mysterious animal beheadings throughout the forest. Val learned that the Chief of Arms' operations are managed in Fort Mydro, an abandoned old fort from a past war that could easily be found on a map.
  • The next day, the party informed Dara that they would travel to Salmund, parade as adventurers, and spy on Sheriff Karock.
  • The party realized that the ankhegs could be used to burrow under Salmund's pallisade. Before leaving, Alystin turned Val invisible, and she released the 4 ankhegs, 2 black bears, and 1 owlbear that were held captive by the Order. The party left among the chaos.
  • The party returned to town, claiming their full reward from Karock. The town is now equipped to find and face both the Chief of Arms in @kazzin and the Chief of Eyes in the Bazen Hills. The Chief of Feathers' location is currently unknown.

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