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2023-01-28 Fey Invitation


Player Characters

  • Val & Soonie
  • Green
  • Balasar
  • Wiznt



  • The party traveled into the forest and used the salt crystal that the dryad gave them to find a portal to the Feywild. Ducking into the split trunk of an oak, they found themselves in a vibrant forest with extra-large trees, ethereal whispers, shifting skies, and floating motes of light.
  • They encountered a group of sprites playing hide & seek. They attempted to lie to the seeker, but the seeker didn't fall for it and found the other sprites hiding near the party. The PCs talked to the sprites and were pointed in the direction of the home of Metricus, the fey lord who defeated The Beast before. The sprites warned of dangerous fey wandering about.
  • The PCs saw a group of fomorians wandering by in the path ahead. They waited for the fomorians to pass by, then continued.
  • The party found a sunny, meticulously trimmed, grassy clearing in the shape of a perfect square. Ants and bees toiled about the area. They knocked on the door of the cube-shaped cabin in the center and met Metricus, who invited them in for tea.
    • Metricus said he was the one who defeated the Beast, but it seemed he might be hiding something about it.
    • Wiznt described the idea of a Klein bottle to Met, who was thoroughly fascinated by it.
    • Met shared an flowery, aromatic tea he brewed in his kitchen. He mentioned that he had been to the material plane before, and that his two-story home was designed after the houses he saw there.
    • The party asked to see the top floor of his home, which contained a large bed and a wardrobe.
    • Met offered to help the party destroy the Beast. He described a few powerful items belonging to other fey lords that would be required to perform a ritual to do so, just like the first time he defeated it. He requests Argessa's pillow, Mycerion's wig, and a tooth from the Sleeping Bear.
    • Met gave 'directions' to each fey lord's region, and described the general layout of The Feywild and its seasonal zones.
  • The group followed the cold toward Winter first. They were attacked group of winter wolves. Val collected their pelts (x5) and later gave them to Quasar for materials.
  • They found a wide snowfield with aurora borealis dancing in the sky. A group of smoking pixies pointed the direction of the Sleeping Bear: follow the clouds of steam, which come from its breath.
  • The group found the gargantuan Sleeping Bear. They met Silvereen, a fey lordess who lives in its fur. She was initially suspicious and defensive, but when the PCs mentioned The Beast, she redirected her focus to her hatred of it. The party chatted with her.
    • Silvereen guards the Sleeping Bear during its slumber. She had to fight to protect it a few times before, but the Beast was the most recent and dangerous fight.
    • She can't leave the area, since that would leave the bear undefended.
    • She turned Soonie white temporarily, granting him cold immunity. Several white rabbits, squirrels, and foxes in the nearby snow peeked out to watch, with similarly enchanted fur.
    • The party requested a tooth from the Bear. Silvereen showed them that she already had a spear fashioned from such a tooth, which she would be willing to give up in exchange for a gift: a stoat from Autumn, which she has never seen before.
  • The party followed the breeze to Autumn. Val tracked down a family of 5 stoats, and convinced them to join the party to meet Silvereen later. They rode in Soonie's fur, except one that perched on Val's shoulder.
  • As the group wandered through the flame-colored autumn woods, they saw many lichen and fungi that gradually became larger. A group of shelf fungi spoke to them, asking them who they were. The voice belonged to Mycerion, a fey lord in the Autumn. After the party told him about the Beast, he invited them to continue towards his home deep in the mushroom forest.
  • The party continued among the giant mushrooms until they found a hollowed redwood with a stumpy fungal man with a lion's mane (fungus) wig. They spoke to the fey lord.
    • Mycerion told them of the Beast's terror. He agrees it must be stopped before it harms more animals or people. He is not well equipped to fight it, but was happy to help Met perform the ritual again.
    • He tells them a slow, dull story about the life of one giant toadstool nearby. He offers to tell more such stories later.
    • He was willing to give up his lion's mane wig in exchange for new headwear; he wants a giant flower petal from Summer to fashion into something.
  • The group traveled toward the warmth of Summer, but were stopped by the prismatic water of Sunbeam River. They played around with it, touching it and enjoying various temporary magical effects. As they did, a group of eladrin popped out of the forest behind them and threatened to attack, demanding to know why they were intruding here. The party was able to pacify them with words.
  • A party member who earned temporary flight from the river flew over it while the others were in the bag of holding.
  • The party found their way to Summer, a place with vast fields of flowers swaying under bright sunshine. Butterflies danced about. Wiznt entertained a group of playing sprites. One, named Doofia, pointed the group towards Argessa's home within the giant flower forest.
  • The group crossed the field to the giant flower forest. A cloud of butterflies invited them forward, and they walked through until they found an enormous blue-sheened snail shell with a door. Argessa was waiting there for them.
    • Argessa stated that she is known as the Queen of Dreams, and that she loved to sleep so she could dream of new wonders to decorate the area with.
    • She told the group how the Beast was a terrifying nightmare, and that she was glad it was defeated. She was disturbed to hear it had returned.
    • She was willing to give up her pillow in exchange for fluff from one of the giant sheep in Winter.
    • Wiznt expressed interest in visiting again later, which Argessa happily welcomed.
  • The PCs collected a huge flower petal with a yellow-red gradient coloring.
  • They crossed the bridge to Winter and dropped off the stoats for Silvereen. She turned Val's stoats white, and they hopped into the warm fur of the Sleeping Bear. She gave the party the beartooth spear as promised.
  • They found a snowfield with several moons hanging in the sky, and a herd of giant sheep. Green spoke to them, warning them that the Beast was coming. This panicked the sheep, but he convinced one to allow him to shear some wool before it fled.
  • While speak with animals was active, Green spoke to Wiznt's garden snake. Wiznt named it Sss'ssteve.
  • The group returned to Summer and traded the fleece for Argessa's extremely soft pillow.
  • They brought the giant petal to Autumn and traded it to Mycerion for his wig. He warned them again of dark, creepy, rhyming, or ugly fey, which are often dangerous.
  • While returning to Metricus, the party heard a rhyming chant. Redcaps ambled out of the forest with their vicious sickles and attacked. Quicklings zoomed by, fighting with the redcaps. Balasar rhymed back at one of the chanting redcaps, which seemed to anger it. The party overcame the violent group.
  • The group returned to Met with the requested items. He was very surprised to see that they succeeded, and confessed that he intended it as a wild goose chase: he didn't think they would actually be able to collect those items. He didn't want the group to succeed so that he could conceal the fact that he didn't actually destroy the Beast before. He asked the group to capture a redcap wandering nearby to demonstrate the true effect of the ritual: to simply divide the target into two smaller, weaker forms. The redcap split into two rats, and one rat split into a centipede and a dung beetle. The group captured the split forms.
  • Metricus told that after the Beast was divided, he had simply banished its weaker halves to the material plane, removing its threat from the Feywild. He apologized and offered to join the group in their world, so that they could locate the Beast together and put a stop to it.
  • The party held the three fey lord artifacts, not trusting Met to take them.
  • Balasar brought a bottle of Sunbeam River's water back to Quasar, although it seemed to lose its magic upon leaving.

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