Kidnapping in Alsarelle


When news about our Esterson Hall's revival came to light within Hearth, a cobbler burst through our doors. Poor sod clutched at my legs begging for our aid. Once Welma calmed his nerves through a few mugs, he was mostly coherent.

From what we understand, his daughter was kidnapped by wood elves in broad daylight. He is uncertain what motive they could have considering she has visited those woodlands countless times before without hassle. So it's up to you folks to head out to Haliah and see why these Temporal elves have a change of heart.

— Remus Starner


Candice Laurel made friends with a few high elves in Haliah during her time studying animals. However, during one trip, her stagecoach was attacked by a pack of werewolves. Among the few survivors, they were cursed with lycanthropy while she was not. The wood elves then kidnapped her along with the cursed. The only reason Elder Talkali hesitates to kill off the prisoners are omens from Kadilith and killing one has caused thunder to occur in a cloudless day.


The party goes to the elven village of Alsarelle to start the adventure. There, the aetheriin direct the party to a guide to help them find the nivrakiin. Along the way, the party will stumble across the carriage ambush site that the previous werewolves had caused.

On arrival to the wood elf glade, they become cautious of their presence. Should they be clear that they are here are for Candice, the wood elves become unfriendly real fast, as they insist they do not have time to discern if all victims are cursed by nightfall. The party can try a diplomatic approach to getting Candice free or to break her out of there by force.

Province of Haliah

Village of Alsarelle

The journey takes the party into the Province of Haliah, home to elven kind. Rising above the forests as a sort of beacon is a tower standing 60 feet up. Surrounding around it are smaller homes while far off in the distance are a few more of them which distinctly setup for farming. The entire structure of the settlement is fitted with tight organization to it.

One of the locals look over to you upon entry. He heads over to you all, “What brings new faces to our humble village?”

The villager insists that the party heads over to see Halthen as a guide through the Alsaran Forests. News of werewolf troubles have begun to arise and they advise that the guide would at least keep them safe on a single path.

Journey to the Nivariin Glade

Carriage Wreckage

Through the quiet forests, what would hopefully have been an uneventful trip turns intriguing real quick. Sprawled out ahead is the wreckage of a few carriages lying on their sides. At the flanks of each wagon is a banner with an icon of a circle with three lines drawn from the center and spread to the top of the circle. At the front of each where the horses would be is nothing but bony remains of the steeds.

Investigating the scene, claw marks are everywhere. The symbol is of Renaki University, a school for aspiring mages. The horses have clearly been eaten, initially by werewolves, and then by stray scavengers. Tattered and ripped clothes are all that remain.

Prowling Werewolf

Along the way, the party can make a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check to spot a stalking werewolf along the way. The creature only attempts to attack if the party doesn’t show that they are aware of its presence. If it is attacked or threatened, it is quick to run off.

Alsaran Glade

There is an odd lining of trees in a circle formation. Ahead is a wide space full of tents and simple wood homes. Within the center are six weary prisoners on their knees. Two hooded guards pace around them with glaives resting on their shoulders.

One of the prisoners sneers at the guard, “Oh come on! You killed one of us, so why not finish the job already? What is holding you back?”

The guard simply stares and goes back to pacing. One other prisoner hushes the vocal one.

The nivariin are quick to become suspicious of the party but Elder Talkali believes Kadilith sent them. If the party hopes to peacefully depart with the prisoners, Talkali advises they follow Kadilith’s signs in hopes that they find a clue to a cure.

Following the Signs

Should the party follow the winds and trail of leaves, the path takes the party to a Revered stagecoach making camp. However, they are found under attack by dark elves. Should the Revered be aided, Inquisitor Arnsley agrees to provide the necessary materials for curing the prisoners of their lycanthropy.

Roughly 45 feet from the road, you can hear distant voices, “If we ever encounter that ‘nivariin’ again, I will personally fashion the rope to hang them for this treachery!”

“Keep it down, would you? We’ll find our way out of this soon enough.”

“But of course. My zeal alone will ensure that we find our way back to the aetheriin.”

Rustling is heard in the forests, along with whizzing, and shouts there.

“See sir? I told you to keep your voice down!

“Ha! Have no fear, Vicar, we shall overcome these blasphemous dark elves! Now come, stand with the righteous! The light of Haven shall purge these corrupted!”

Lycanthropy in Faunerro

The curse of lycanthropes came about because of Maledict’s cruelty during the incursion. It was a clever trick to send the cursed back to their homes as a ticking time bomb. Sometimes the cursed are primed to change at certain commands, certain moon cycles, or other cues. After shifting, they then would go on a rampage killing en masse on behalf of the demons. Should a victim endure and control this curse long enough, they can retain their feral nature and change at will.

To be infected requires a thick coating of lycanthrope blood or spit to be smeared and absorbed through the skin or such blood or spit to be ingested.

Curing lycanthropy is tricky. A greater cael can simply bless the curse away. Curing it by mundane methods is far more difficult. It requires 200 sums worth of silver powder mixed into holy water that is then applied to where the lycanthrope infection got absorbed through the skin.

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