Reverie Relic in Glimmer Coast

A Level 3 Adventure


The following adventure is for a party of 5 level 2 characters.

Lady Farlon, an art collector, has taken an interest in what potential our newly established guild has to offer. She wants you to track down a bunch of lowlifes in their hideout and retrieve some sort of idol of Ornsen. We have found their putrid dwelling along the Glimmer Coast in Dulnmoor. After a quick visit and all has been resolved, come back home and we can send it off to the courier.

I should also mention that this courier was insistent we get this job done as soon as possible. Supposedly others are looking to claim this artifact as well. I personally don't care about the ethics of where this idol belongs. This art collector should know by now that it belongs to the highest bidder.

— Welma Reedacre


Welma and Remus can provide the following information.

  • Lady Farlon is a human noblewoman in Cassius. She is an art collector of various items and makes a fair sum from museums.
  • The item in question is an idol of Ornsen, the cael of lanterns. According to her, it was taken away by these lowlifes and she wants it back.
  • The courier Farlon sent was insistent that we be quick about it as he passively hinted that others are keen to take it as well.
  • The best place to start is the City of Ridgewater in the Province of Dulnmoor. Most leads can always be found at the Floating Gull with rumors going around.
  • All that matters to Esterson Hall is that the party gets something in return. Remus and Welma are certain that Farlon isn't telling everything.
  • Overview


    An old idol of Ornsen that belongs to a church within Dulnmoor has broken. What was supposed to be a replacement got stolen by these lowlifes. The priests have sought out whoever is willing to recover it and the Order of Candescence has taken interest in helping. For them, they design such relics only for the Revered. To hear one of their crafts are in the wrong hands insults them, Sullus, and the other caels.

    Lady Farlon is a noble in the Province of Dulnmoor. Art collecting is one of her favorite hobbies. So, she sends Telson, a halfling courier, to deliver the message. She has been setting her eyes on a Reverie idol. A simple small statue of Ornsen. However, she must be swift before the Order of Candescence arrives to reclaim it. The two have tracked it to a small cabin where a bunch of lowlifes have it squandered.

    Town of Ridgewater

    The trail takes you to the coastal town of Ridgewater. A sloppy town that is rife with the scent of alcohol. Because the trek has lasted quite some time, well, the last bit of sunlight barely holds above the distant waves. It would certainly be unwise to be roaming these streets at night especially.

    The party arrives with only an hour of sunlight left.

    Floating Gull Tavern

    It smells soapy coming into the Floating Gull. Perhaps it stems from the bubbles floating out of the kitchen behind the counter. The human barkeep extends his arms out as he sees you enter, “What brings new faces to the Floating Gull? Glad to see it. Grab yerself a table and I’ll be right with ya.”

    The patrons in the bar, mostly made up of humans, raise their drinks to you as you come in. They’re quick to go back to tending to themselves.

    While the party sits down, four Order of Candescence monks walk in as well. The patrons are uneasy about their unusual presence here. Gilbert Mulligan, the barkeep, knows about the Candescent and is concerned about their presence within his tavern. He is quick to investigate why they’re here. The only answer the Candescent give is that they do not wish to risk ruining their pursuit by disclosing their purpose.

    If asked about the Glimmer Coast, Gilbert knows about the place and is quick to be skeptical as to why the party is interested in heading there. Smugglers like using the dangerous waters to sneak in illicit materials and Gilbert has seen it himself. The Duke does nothing about it, believing it’s not rampant enough to warrant taking care of it.

    Otherwise, the Glimmer Coast is full of various fisher cabins. The unpredictable shallow and rocky waters make it dangerous for larger ships coming in, especially with the lighthouses decommissioned in favor of safer waters elsewhere. The Candescent are keen to listen in if there is mention of the hunt for the idol. If they are confronted about it, they insist that the idol belongs to the Reverie, not those who make mockery of it.

    Glimmer Coast

    Lowlife Hideout

    The party comes across a meager cabin along the coastline. In there are four lowlifes:

  • 2 Redbrand Ruffians
  • 1 Thug
  • 1 Pirate Deck Wizard
  • These lowlifes plan on pawning off the Reverie idol to the Darkway Thieves. They can be persuaded by a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check to hand over the idol for 400 sums.

    Candescent Monks Arrive

    When the lowlifes are defeated, or if the party takes a long while negotiating with the lowlifes, four Order of Candescence monks arrive to claim the idol. Should the party demand the monks pay up for the idol, they counter-offer by providing a service for the party, namely the assistance of a Candescence monk. Should the monks suspect trickery or the party refuses to provide the idol, they attack only to retrieve the idol. If the monks are reduced to 1 member, the last one surrenders, keen to aid their fallen brethren and to let the party return.

    Should the party provide the idol to the Candescent, they are grateful for any non-violent solutions and hope to reward such a path.

    Lady Farlon’s Enforcers

    Should the party have retrieved the idol, these thugs happily provide the party with 60 sums per character. Otherwise, they intimidate the party about going against the Lady.

    Return to the Hall

    On returning to their guild hall, Lady Farlon is there. Depending on whether the relic is returned or given to the Candescent, she will be praising the party or outraged by the Hall's audacity to go against her despite the request.

    If the Candescent provide their apprentice on their Trial, Remus and Welma welcome them on in.


  • 60 florens for each character if they side with Lady Farlon
  • 20 florens for each character and gain Antharine as a helper within Esterson Hall.

  • Plot type
    RPG Episodic
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