Wavering Site on Rested Isle

Of all curiosities, getting a request from the Inquisition is something I did not expect.

— Remus Starner


The caels that coordinate within the Inquisition sense that something unusual is going on over in Rested Isle. They suspect that Maledict could be behind it but are not certain. To be sure, they call on the mortals to take one to the island.

Within Rested Isle is the small hamlet of Lerren. There, a small temple resides that stands high on a hill. The temple there has a blessed monument to Haven where it helps caels have stronger influence within Dulnmoor. The small sequestered site is of interest to keep it hidden from vician eyes but it has been discovered by a following of Sidresk, a lesser vampire keen to gain status. After a brief skirmish, Nicodeme has ruled the place, desecrating the temple's monument enough to weaken its beacon. He simply hopes to quiet it down as to avoid attracting the Reverie.

Nicodeme's Story

Nicodeme was part of the Auxiliary for Ardentry. While exploring strange catacombs to the south of Dulnmoor, the undead rose up and attacked. Left behind by his unit, a voice of Sidresk demanded that he be turned into a vampire. Within this new world of the dead, he could only find solace in the wretchedness of drinking blood and preying on terrified mortals. With time, he found an odd catharsis out of it. As he only seeks power to gain some form of revenge against his abandoning unit and take it out on the weaker mortals below. The trouble is that he is still a young vampire with his inner human nature intact, still conflicted with causing harm. He also curses Sidresk for inflicting the vampiric curse upon him.

Adventuring Phase


Tiltren is the guiding cael who meets the party at Ridgewater. Inquisitor Arnsley Dorian is present to ensure the safe send off. Captain Jess Gilrow leads over the simple schooner.

Aboard the Lately Sun

Along the journey, Captain Gilrow asks Tiltren what specifically is going on. Tiltren gives no clear answer, only that a light has shrunk somewhere and suspects foul play is afoot.

Rested Isle

Quick Characters of Interest

  • Nicodeme, Vampire Invader
  • Harriet, Viscount of Rested Isle

On arrival, local Civil Guards are wary, insisting that the party turns back. A DC 12 Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Insight) check shows that they are not following a usual protocol or are uncertain of what to do with the party. Otherwise, something is not right. The guards don't put up much of a fight and scramble when things get serious. The presence of a cael especially shakes up the guards.

An imp spy for Nicodeme monitors the scene, swiftly reporting back to its master afterwards. The dock master, Jerum, is quick to rush over to the party and bring them somewhere discreet if they're insistent with staying on the island. He is keen to explain the following to the party:

"Either you lot are very brave for coming in or stumbled at a bad time. A few weeks ago, a strange ship rolled in to transport this outsider. It is said that as soon as he touched ground, a cluster of the dead walked from the beachhead alongside him. A few civil guard tried what they could but were cut down relatively with ease. After a brief battle with the Viscount's guards, we have not heard from him since. Supposedly all is well according to some civil guard who's been a speaker for him. The only difference is that any scrutiny toward all of this is to be met with punishment for undermining the town's wellbeing. It's all made even worse when we can no longer attend our chapel as those drowned dead guard the place.

If you think that is bad, we can’t have any outgoing ships without it being overrun by the wretched things. At most, our fishing boats are allowed to do their work but that’s about it. Pretty sure we’re cut off from the rest of the world.”

The undead push open through the door, looking to watch the party for Nicodeme. With time, Nicodeme will summon the party to the governor’s mansion to be questioned and remove the cael.

Confronting Nicodeme

Nicodeme resides within the chapel, brooding over his project: an altar that chokes on Infernal influence. Paranoid of eventual cael intervention, he holds four villager hostages to stay their hand if needs be. He intends to harm them if the party tries anything against Maledict.


The adventure concludes if Nicodeme stands down and allows for the altar to be cleansed, driving back any undead followers from the chapel.

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