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Religion (Homebrew Rule)


This homebrew rule adds an additional trait for your characters that adds benefits and detriments depending on the faith and sub-group chosen. This also helps add a layer to your character to explain why they act the way they do. None of the cantrips from religions count towards feats. The faiths are organized in alphabetical order and the sub-groups are ordered by rarity from least to most. The sytem used is similar to that of piety found in Mythical Odysseys of Theros. Piety is gained by following a god and fathering their goals or strengthing their patheon. Swapping Gods within the same patheon cause you to lose all of piety to your former god(dess) swapping to a god(dess) of different patheon cause you to lose piety with your former god(dess) and you gain a curse. It is posssbile to lose piety and gain negative piety.  


Holidays are special days in which a god(dess) is celabrated gainnig you 1 point of piety. Not celebrating your god(dess) holidays cause you to lose 5 piety.  


Piety is a messuare of gods favor towards a worshiper it can be positive or negative. Positive piety gains blessing and negative piety causes curses. Ideas for what causes a gain or loss in piety can be found on a gods articles in the goals section as well as the patheon article. All spells gained by blessings are at will.




  An old tribal faith practiced in the grasslands of Aumertia. The Criti are animism. They believe that everything has two spirits one being lucky and one being unlucky. These spirits seek to balance the world. More information can be found at Criti.  


  Criti being a faith that's all about luck and chances gives followers +1 Int. Followers are seen as poor conmen as those who follow Criti and leave their tribal homes to tend to be poor masters of games. Followers of Criti carry a box of dice and cards with them where ever they go. This set is marked with the name of the owner's favorite spirit  


  Criti being worshipers of spirits and luck have few holidays. With the only Major holidays being Crantous. Criti tend to lean towards Neutral Good and seek to protect nature and places of fey.  


  Blessings are lost if piety drops bellow the minum vaule   1. Gain a Minor Blessing this is a sign of your piety with a god(dess)   3. Due to your connection with spirits of luck you grant others a memont of luck . you can cast Bless, a number of times equal to your int modifer with a minimum of one. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Int is your spell casting ability for this spell.   10. Your connection is not only to the spirits of luck within all of us but to the spirits of misfourtain as well. You can cast Bestow Curse once per long rest.   25. Your connections to the spirits lets you control other peoples luck. Once per long rest you can cause any roll to be reroll.   50. Gain one int and advantage in sleight of hand   100. Lucky Feat  


  -1. Gain a Minor Curse   -3. Once per long rest you must make a Cha saving throw 15+. If the throw is failed you under the effects of bane till the next long rest.   -10. You gain disatvantage on int skill checks   -25. When in nature or places that are fey touched you gain disatvantage on Wis, Cha, and Dex checks   -50. Gain two level of exhaustion   -100. Gain disavantage on all saving throws and attack throws            



  Duwor is the major religion of Aumertia which worships four major gods. This faith believes that they are meant to take control of the world in the name of Gelson. Those who make up the minority of Duwor followers those who follow gods other than Gelson believe Gelson is corrupt and must be stopped. Their gods are Gelson, Au, Sliv, Kopprus. More information on the faith can be found in the article, The Holy Church of The Gods of Duwor.  


  The Duwor faith gives every follower a set of Family Merit Papers which track the achievements of the owner. This allows them for better treatment in Aumertia including less restrictive social rules and laws. The more achievements the owner has the more they are treated like a celebrity. This includes discounts from stores and an easier time getting jobs and transportation. The believers of Duwor are seen as self-centered and cruel to other faiths causing them to be disliked outside their home country. This hatred can even cause them to be run out of small towns and inns if found out.  


  Followers of Duwor seek to achieve the most they can in life whether that be the best innkeeper, richest merchant or drunkest drunkard. They have a multitude of holidays celebrating their gods. These can be seen in the calendar below.  




  Gelson blesses his followers with confidence gives a +1 Cha; however, this confidence comes with an ego that makes their lies extraordinary and unbelievable causing disadvantage in deception.  


  The followers of Gelson are required to carry an anchor medal or necklaces as a symbol of their loyalty. They also have to celebrate Merit Day, Burning of the Marked, Gelson's Birthday, and Gelson's Ascension holidays.  


  1. Minor Blessing   3. Following in Gelson's path your able to see possible insuricerties. You gain the ability to cast Vicious Mockery at fifth level eqaul to your cha modifier. You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. cha is your spell casting ability for this spell.   10. As a follower of gelson   25. Being a follower of Gelson allows you to have an advantage on checks relating to royalty this includes checks to track and harm royalty   50.   100.  





  Being a follower of Au allows you to have an advantage for checks related to markets and economy including sales. Au blesses his followers with great insight not only relating to money but the world around them as well +1 Wis; however, followers of Au know every little on the topic of survival giving a disadvantage on checks relating to it. Followers also gain the color spray spell that they can cast as a cantrip dealing 4d10 damage, the Color is always gold.  


  The followers of Au choose to brand themselves with the image of a gold coin or adorn themselves with golden jewelry. They also have to celebrate Merit Day, Burning of the Marked, Rebirth of Au, and Merchant's Day no matter where they are or what they are doing. If they fail to celebrate these holidays when they occur they are struck with two exhaustion till they receive a right of purity from a priest or take two back to back long rest purifying themselves.  



  Sliv grants advantage of checks relating to plants and animals including extraction of poison and the creation of natural medicine. Followers of Sliv receive +1 Wis due to their connection with nature. The followers of Sliv tend to be out of touch when it comes to modern technology and machines giving them a disadvantage when using them. Followers gain the Healing Hands cantrip.  


  The followers of Sliv choose to tattoo themselves with the image of a Sliver Birch or carry an item made for its wood. They also have to celebrate Merit Day, Feast of Sliv, WInter's Breath, and The Years Death no matter where they are or what they are doing. If they fail to celebrate these holidays when they occur they are struck with two exhaustion till they receive a right of purity from a priest or take two back to back long rest purifying themselves.  




  The warriors of Kopprus dedicate themselves to the art of war training themselves to endure all kinds of pain giving them +1 Con. They also gain an advantage in matters of war and infiltration such as strategy and gaining information. Being warriors the followers of Kopprus care not for the arcane giving them a disadvantage on checks relation to it. Followers gain the cantrip Bane.  


The warriors mark themselves by scaring their faces with a heated copper blade which they use to make sacrifices to Kopprus during the celebration. They also have to celebrate Merit Day, Victory Against Crito, The Over Throwing of Rus, and Burning of the Marked, no matter where they are or what they are doing. If they fail to celebrate these holidays when they occur they are struck with two exhaustion till they receive a right of purity from a priest or take two back to back long rest purifying themselves.  




This is the largest practiced faith in eleven countries. The focus of this faith is a pantheon of gods relating to magic.  


Practitioners choice one cantrip from the sorcerer spell list and one level one none damaging spell from the wizard spell list both of these can be used once per day.  


Followers believe that gods favor those who use the arcane are favored by the gods. Thus if they fail to use a spell or cantrip at least once per day the follower gains one level of exhaustion. Fayen also take 1d8 force damage when they attack a fey creature as they are favored by their gods.      



The primary faith of the Wyfling people. It is a monotheistic faith with the primary god Lycomir, believed to be the allfather of the Wyfling people. It is not a very structured religion, but the followers of it usually take it very seriously. Lycists are strong believers in prophecy and destiny, their belief that death is predestined often helps prevent fear in dangerous situations. More at Lycism.  


Due to the belief that your death is predestined, you have an advantage on saving throws involving being feared. In addition, you gain access to the Primal Savagery cantrip.



Treowen is a druidic faith commonly practiced by the Wild Races. The Treowi are worshippers of nature and will almost always refuse to harm nature unless forced to. They do not follow a particular god but see the force of nature itself as a divinity. When it comes to holidays, they typically celebrate the solstices and equinoxes as changes in the season mean big changes within nature as well.


Followers of the Treowen faith gain an advantage in nature checks, as well as proficiency with the herbalism kit. In addition, followers gain access to the spell Animal Friendship once per long rest. The downside is that harming nature in the wild (does not include gardens or farms) larger than the size of small plants such as: herbs, weeds, nuts, and fruits will grant one level of exhaustion.



Valthism is the primary religion of Svalvag. It is named after the great god Valathar, a powerful warrior who wields an axe. According to religious writings, Valathar created a path between all planes of existence by cutting down an ethereal tree, laboring at the task for over 1000 years. The seers of the religion hold great power and also act as a judicial system for Svalvag.


Path of the Navigator You have chosen the path of Valthism involving exploration and travel. You are proficient in Survival checks and well versed in seafaring. In addition, you gain 5ft of additional movement which increases to 10ft upon reaching level 10.
  Path of the Axe You have chosen the path of Valthism involving honor and combat. Gain +1 Strength and access to the Valathar's Sight feature. However, your headstrong nature leads to -1 Wisdom. Valathars Sight: Once per day, you may call upon Valathar to grant you his sight. You must select one enemy within visual range. Time seems to slow and you are able to assess the weak points of that enemy, and your next attack against them automatically hits and is a critical strike. If you are somehow unable to physically attack the enemy, you will know upon using this feature.   Path of the Converger You have selected the path of Valthism involving magic and the merging of the planes. Gain +1 Intelligence but -1 Constitution due to your focus on knowledge over physicality. You also gain access to your very own 10x10ft pocket dimension. You and others may choose to enter the dimension, but even if the dimension is closed off from the inside, upon reopening it will always reappear at its previous location on the mortal plane. With more research and time, you may learn how to expand this pocket dimension (DM's discretion).  


1. Gain a minor blessing.
3. Valathar aids you in sailing. gain access to the Shape Water and Mending cantrips. If you already have access to one or both cantrips, he helps your constitution instead. Gain (3+1/2 your level rounded up) HP for each you already own.
10. Gain resistance to cold damage.
25. Your reflexes seem to be enhanced in battle. Gain +1 AC.
50. You can call upon the storms to guide you once per long rest. Choose a target. During your turn, dark storm clouds begin to roll in. On your next turn, the chosen target will be struck by Lightning Bolt at levels <10 and Chain Lightning at levels >10. This feature works while unconscious and does not take an action. 
  • Path of the Navigator: Permanent +1 Wis
  • Path of the Axe: Permanent +1 Con
  • Path of the Converger: Permanent +1 Int


-1. Gain a minor curse.
-3. Lose the effects of the Path you have chosen (Until piety is increased again).
-10. Your joints feel rather stiff. -1 to AC and to all attacks.
-25. When in the sea or arctic environments, gain disadvantage to Str, Dex, and Con checks.
-50. Gain two level of exhaustion
-100. Gain disadvantage on all saving throws and attack throws



The second-largest faith among the eleven people this faith puts the elders as supreme creators of law. This faith is many held by older generations and ruling parties.  


Gain +1 Wis and Cleric cantrip. The cantrip can be cast once per long rest.  


Venior revolves around eldership thus followers must obey the commands for those of the same faith who are older then themselves. If the refuse they gain two levels of exhaustion and if they fail one.  

Minor Blessings And Curse


Minor Blessing

Minor Curse

Metaphysical, Divine

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