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The Current Clans and Jarls of Svalvag


There are currently 7 various clans in the decentralized kingdom of Svalvag. Each clan is run by a powerful Jarl. They may help each other out, but only truly unite during times of war. Any disputes they have maybe decided legally at the court and temple of Kalmarsa. The only lands not claimed by a Jarl are the islands owned by the seers and the inhospitable Svalian Wastes.  

Ari Clan

Jarl in power: Sigeric Snorrison
Capital city: Sagasund
Symbol: The Eagle
These people pride themselves in their intelligence and wit. Most of the greatest scholars, poets, and wizards of Svalvag came from this older clan. Direct access to the sea has allowed these people to explore the world. The come home bringing tales of great lands, some with vast stores of knowledge or treasure. Recent rumors claim that an archipelago never before seen is located north of Svalvag, but the journey is rather treacherous.  

Bjorn Clan

Jarl in power: Astrid Grimar
Capital city: Bjarkelf
Symbol: The Bear
This clan is one of the largest in land area, but smaller when it comes to population. Being one of the clans far North and even bordering the Svalian wastes, the people of the Bjorn clan find brute strength important. These are people who love hunting, fighting, drinking, and raiding. However, they are still mostly kind to strangers, and some of the more devout followers of Valthism.  

Fiskr Clan

Jarl in power: Torrad Kollson
Capital city: Heimvik
Symbol: The Fish
One of the more powerful clans and by far the richest, the people of the Fiskr clan were born to sail. They make their fortunes through trading and occasionally raiding. They also currently hold the unofficial capital of Svalvag.  

Galti Clan

Jarl in power: Sven Illksa
Capital city: Bjarg
Symbol: The Boar
The Galti clan is the youngest of the current clans, created by splitting off from the Rakki and Ulfr clans. That fact, combined with the lack of a seaport, has led to it being rather poor. However, much of the land is perfect for farming and ranching, so people rarely go hungry. The people of the Galti clan are believers that hard work is the most important virtue.  

Hafr Clan

Jarl in power: Freja Ora
Capital city: Skalmvik
Symbol: The Goat
The people of the Hafr clan value two things: Quality over quantity, and diplomacy. People from this clan are typically known as being the most hygienic of the seven clans, bathing at least once a week and combing their hair almost every day. Through diplomacy with the bordering dwarves (even though they have bad relations with the nearby Bjorn clan, who raid them consistently), they have acquired very high-grade weaponry. They have even successfully resold these weapons at a higher price since the Dwarves aren't great seafarers. It has led to the naming of their capital, Skalmvik, or "Sword Bay".  

Rakki Clan

Jarl in power: Alvi Lokbrod
Capital city: Steingard
Symbol: The Fox
The people of the Rakki Clan value speed and dexterity above all else. This transfers into most aspects of their lives. They talk fast, move fast, and have been great innovators in seafaring technology to maximize that speed. They are also know to be sly people, and their capital of Steingard by far outnumbers the other cities of Svalvag with its tourist scams.  

Ulfr Clan

Jarl in power: Tyrkild Ragnir
Capital city: Vetborg
Symbol: The Wolf
The Ulfr clan is similar to the Bjorn clan in many ways. They are located to the far north, and value strength and toughness. However, they tend to be nobler in character. They have the largest border with the Svalian wastes and have been tasked with the defense of the realm in the event that some kind of monster or beast goes rogue and attempts to leave the wastes, and go South where food is certainly more plentiful. They are so good at their job that the Bjorn clan offers free lodging to members of the Ulfr clan in towns along their northern border.
The Seven Clans of Svalvag (Meta)

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