Attrandian Material in Arcnine | World Anvil
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A red rock that can be found in crystal and mineral form. The substance in crystal form acts as a magic power source that can be drawn out by placing it into objects or by pressing on the crystal. In Crsytal form it takes on a brilliant red color that shines constantly and sheds a small bit of light. When in its more common mineral form the stone is a much duller red that can be formed with a lot of hard work into various shapes and designs.


Attrandian is used for many different things and depending on its form it takes on different properties. In mineral form, the material is similar to diamond in toughness but is much more resistant to heat than diamond but conversely cannot withstand intense cold or be submerged in water. This durabillity has been exploited in building various shields and in one case a suit of armor but has also been used for advanced tools and materials for vaults and some magical devices due to the conductivity the material has towards magic. In Attrandians crystal form, the material is an extremely potent magical storage and a magical power source. The crystal form are most often used as the main component in Sand throwers used by the Yalvake. Other cultures have used the material for large magical power generators for large spells and for handheld magical devices. Wands tipped with Attrandian are said to be extremely powerful. The crystal form seems to never run out of magic and there are possibilities that the material drains small amounts of magic from any creatures near it for long enough, but this has never been confirmed.

Gathering Attrandian

Attrandain has only been found in the mud pits layer of the Deprin Dunes. Other experts belive that the material can be found in other locations and some rumors have popped up about veins of the material in the The Everglacer , but this is unlikely and unconfirmed. Excavating the material is often extremely difficult because of the swallowing nature the mud pits can have on any person trying to dig in them. Often Attrandian is also extremely hard to find and can take hours to locate a small piece of the mineral form. The crystal form is about 100 times rarer than the mineral form and as such the crystals in the Yalvakes current Sand Throwers have been powering them for generations.

Cultural significance to the Yalvake

The Yalvake hold the Attrandian as a treasured material that should never be shared with outsiders and have gone into battle with various factions over keeping the material for themselves. They often do not win these wars due to their lack of food and resources but have managed on several occasions to at least get away with it before the other faction could obtain it. Some Yalvake attach a sort of religious reverence with the material and its connection to good fortune and the natural world, but any Yalvake seeming too attached runs the risk of being labeled one of the Dune Casters and thus banished from the Yalvakes.


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