Session 5: A Short Stay

General Summary

After arriving on Leicester-890, an O'Neill cylinder orbiting Feskst, the party checks the 60-some Rimtreader survivors into a hotel for a month's stay. Sigori, the Verakor looking for his mother, requests to travel with the party on the Morningstar rather than staying cooped up in a room for the time. Vivec and Callsign makes a quick stop to pawn off a discarded halberd from the Rimtreader's junkyard, before regrouping.

The party then makes a quick hyperspace jolt to Istkist, the neighboring purple planet with no breathable atmosphere and cities built within duracrystal domes. The first stop in this dense urban environment is the shipyard O'Reilly's, where the party commissions the construction of two freighters, Malaysian Flight Doom and Mf-ing 370, each heavily modified with living space for 50 and a front-mounted ion cannon. After paying a nice round 200,000cr for the package, they spend the next six days on the planet awaiting the vehicles.

Dee takes the time with the mechanics, picking up some useful points about ship systems; he gains a rank in the Mechanic deployment.

Vivec visits a scrap yard near O'Reilly's and finds some discounted odds and ends.

Céad keeps an eye on the local news, but only hears some updates on Dunkelung culture, robberies in the area on Istkist, and a strange story of an individual walking out of an airlock and disappearing.

When it comes time to pick up their shiny new ships, the party hurries them back alongside the Morningstar to Leicestershire-890 on Feskst. But by now, the hotel housing the civilians is surrounded by Network Compliance Enforcement officers. They don't seem agitated, and with Vesqua's counsel, Vivec elects to just ask what the situation is. He explains he has a room booked here and wants to make sure the area is safe. Being a Kivik, and still in good Network standing, he isn't met with suspicion; the officer explains one of the nearby compression plants was recently broken into by two criminals, and the gas hauler ship working in conjunction reported an odd party of individuals trying to purchase a large ship. Although they aren't clearly connected to the break-in, this group is one of the only leads the officers had that seemed possibly relevant, and large check-in party at this hotel might be why they were seeking such a vessel--for transport. The officers are just looking to question whomever might be associated.

Vicec relays this to the group and it's determined the best next move is to try to draw officers away from the site. So Vivec returns to the officers and offers them the contact signatures of the thieves Degtan and Shlish, saying only that he met these two at a similar facility and was put off by their slightly unprofessional manner. The officer looks appreciative, and asks Vivec if he would be willing to answer a few more questions for a small monetary reward, and Vivec agrees. As two of the officers stroll down the street with Vivec, Dee and Céad watch worriedly from the MF Doom, pondering their next actions!

156,072-30 - 156,072-36
Report Date
27 Jan 2024
Primary Location
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