
Written by Retrorobot

The Emberguard are the cities police force and protectors. For millennia, the Emberguard have stood staunchly against not only the enemies of Tol Edwan, but also the enemies of Alton itself. The Emberguard were formed by the elven empire at its inception, to protect the noble family from threat of attack, however when the empire dissolved they found their loyalty in the royal city. From there, they were expanded to police the city of Tol Edwan, and when necessary, defend the country from invaders that might threaten its sovereignty. For the past few centuries, the Emberguard has not only served as the Tol Edwan's policing force, but also has served all over Alton as an elite military unit. They are clad in orange and red cloaks, with winged helmets. Their breastplate depicts the tree of Alton, and they are armed with glaives, swords and bows. All of their members are trained in the Arcane arts as well.

Public Agenda

Protectors of Tol Edwan, the Emberguard are both the elite City Watch and the military force that protects the city both from insiders and outsiders.


The Emberguard first existed as the elite guard of the Royal Family of Tol Edwan. The original Elven Empire used them as elite bodyguards and warriors, but when the empire dissolved, the Emberguard's role changed to fit the new lands of Alton. They now served the people, and the home of their royal family, as watchers and protectors.

We are the Flame

Military Order
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

Articles under Emberguard