Tol Edwan

The Jewel of Alton, Tol Edwan is the oldest city in the realm. It was once just a great palace of the Dol Falton Empire. It then grew into its own city. There are none who can remember a time where Tol Edwan was not the beating heart of the elves who live in Alton. It is still the only city in the realm where there are more elves than any other race, although not by many. It is naturally protected by the Flamethorne Forest which surrounds it. It is a city full of live, music, and artwork. The city still gracefully balances nature and development, with buildings blending into the massive forest that surrounds it.   Surrounded by trees standing near over 300 feet tall, the city of Tol Edwan is nestled deep in the Flamethorne Forest. At a passing glance, it would be impossible to spot, as the city has done such a good job embedding itself with the nature around it, rather than clearing it out. Buildings stand like flowers growing from the ground, or fungus growing on the side of the giant trees. There are no walls around the city, trusting its protection to the woods surrounding it, and the cadre of guards known as the Emberguard. Small creeks and rivers flow throughout the city itself, acting as a pathway for punting boats and rafts. The city's roads seem more akin to dirt trails rather than paved walkways. In any one location the city might look sparse, however the city holds more than a million residents. The Sun, "Moon", and the "Stars" district are all prominent areas. At night, the rivers glow faintly with bioluminescent life.


The city is mostly Elven in nature. Humans and Half-Elves are in the minority, with Gnomes, Halflings, and Dwarves making up even smaller precentages.   Tol Edwan is the only city left in Alton that contains more elves than any other race. They are a gentle and noble folk, but haughty and arrogant. They pride themselves on their craftmanship and skill of creating luxury goods for not only Alton, but the rest of the world. They are devout followers of Selune, and Silvanus. A small amount of humans and gnomes also call Tol Edwan home.


Within the city itself, the government is made up of nobles, warriors and mercantilists alike. Although for the time being the nobles hold the most power. For a long period of time, nobility was strictly restricted to those of elven lineage, however, as of late, the nobility has been fit to deem a handful of influential residents of non-elven parentage the title of Tol Edwan noble. There are now nearly 75 noble families in the city itself. The group of these members make up the city's governing body, which meets once every other week to discuss how to handle larger affairs. Most of the day-to-day governance is in the hands of the Emberguard and the Silver Clasp, a noble chosen among the Mercantile Guilds and other nobles trusted to run the city.


Tol Edwan's defense relies on the thick and dense Flamethorne forest to naturally protect it. The forest has a history of impeding and demoralizing foes who seek to harm the city, and if all else fails the city has the Emberguard in order to protect them.

Industry & Trade

The economy of Tol Edwan is known for producing some of the finest luxury goods on the Western Face of Ardicil. Fine perfumes and clothing are produced by the cities guilds here in the forests.

Guilds and Factions

The Mercantile Guilds of Tol Edwan are a power that has only arisen in the most recent days. Despite this, they have grown to excerpt a great deal of power over the day-to-day management of the city. At the end of the day, the rule of the city falls to its noble families, although some of the more wealthy merchants have been able to buy their way into a noble name.

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