Tol Edwan Nobility

With over 75 noble families, it is hard to say they all get along. In fact, many of them bicker and argue constantly over the best way to run Tol Edwan. However it never goes beyond verbal conflicts. While out of the negotiating chambers, nobility remains mostly tepid and polite to each other. But, in the chambers, the yelling, booing, and cheering can be heard down the street. The nobles think themselves above the mercantile guilds, but the poorer houses often hold less power than some merchant groups.


It is hard to say there is a clear organizational structure within the Nobility, and often it can change at a drop of the hat. There are several committees which are usually led by the most powerful and influential families. These include the Committee of Magic, Committee of Religion, and the Committee of Defense.


The Noble houses in Tol Edwan came about after the end of the Dol Falton empire. The royal elven families who chose to remain within Tol Edwan became its nobles, tasked with running the city and making major decisions for it. Rarely has Alton's government interceded in the traditions of nobility, and in turn, the nobility comply with the requests coming from Evermoot.

Articles under Tol Edwan Nobility