Forge of Ko

An ancient forge built by the Fire Titan Ko. This island is home to a highly active and highly dangerous volcano, that is rumored to contain a portal to the fire plane. Its thin connection to the inner plane means that the island itself is rife with creatures and monsters coming from that plane of existence. Despite all of this, it is still home to one of the most incredible and powerful magical forges in all of Ardicil, and it is said many of the Relics of Arcanum were built in this refinery.   The forge is looked after by a group of cloistered devoted priests and powerful clerics, known as the Druchi, each there to ensure only the most worthy make use of the forge itself. They only seek the power of those who are mighty, and often times will put those who wish to use the forge on a quest of some kind to prove their worth. No one has been deemed worthy enough in centuries, and the form has remained a simple bastion for its servants.
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