
The enclave of Thera is a small forgotten temple carved into a cliffside by the druids who long ago first inhabited the island. Thera is home to a circle of druids, monks and magi who have long kept watch over the enigmatic observatory. They have searched the stars for many years, keeping track of their movement, and the affect it has on all of the planes.   There are very few who call Thera their home who were not born here, and the locals do not take kindly to those who show up on their doorstep. But for the right knowledge, one may gain access to the wealth of power and information these druids have regarding the planes, and the ever shifting power of elemental chaos that is tied with them.   The enclave of Thera is known as well for its resilience, and often times the whole enclave will disappear without a trace, only to emerge weeks or months later after having avoided some kind of disaster that would have surely wiped the small village off the face of Ardicil.


Thera is run by a small council of elders and the Astrei Enclave. Made up of druids, scholars, magi and monks, the council decides as a group what is best for the entire enclave. For the most part, Thera remains neutral to most of the other political entities in Ardicil.


The interior halls of Thera are tall and imposing, and the sound of footsteps echoes throughout its halls. The whole enclave is located within the stone, and rather than houses people will have "dens" carved out of these hallways that consist of a modest abode. These dens are located within the dormitory ward. This is also where the cafeteria is, where meals are prepared for the enclave by skilled chefs.   The docks of Thera are small and modest, and can only accompany smaller ships. This is also where the enclave sends its fishing vessels out to the sea to collect fish and occasionally send out trader or agents on quests.   The green ward consists of a mystical interior farm, terraced and filled with all manner of mushrooms, roots, and starches. In the center of the room lies a pool, that leads to the underwater farms of Thera where kelp, seaweed, and other unique plants are grown and farmed for harvest.    In the center of Thera lies the Starry Hall, a massive opening in the stone circular in shape and roughly 200 yards in radius. Library shelves are stacked all the way up, and platforms gently float about, ready to take you where you need in the library.   At the peak of the Starry Hall lies the Observatory. The Observatory is domed and has wonderous stained glass that is built in a way to read the patterns of the stars as moonlight shines through. There are massive telescopes, magical in nature as well that are attended by the astronomers who keep careful notes of the night sky all times of the year.
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