Great Rama Empire

The Great Rama Empire is a bastardized version of its predecessor, the Straatos Empire. It is however, still the largest and most powerful empire that remains on Ardicil, although it is plagued with infighting and division among its members. The Great Emperor must juggle the varying interests of the scattered empire, pitting the various Particians against each other in order to maintain a semblance of control.   The Particians are organized into the Grand Delegation, a council formed to check the Emperor, and effectively the wealthiest elites of the entire empire. The various levels of power varies from although a good chunk of them have gained more power and have the ability to rival the Empire, and many have. However, through shrewd negotiations and effective use of the secret police, the Draj-Mal and diplomatic corps, the Empire has maintained for the past few hundred years. The Paschas   There are also various hidden separatist movements originating out of Torlo that have spread through the entire empire.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Rama Empire, Ramas
Government System
Power Structure

Articles under Great Rama Empire