Thassa Settlement in Ardicil | World Anvil


Thassa is a robust and evergrowing city that was established by the pact of three merchant captains hailing from the Sapphire Sea. The culmination of many different trade routes from all over the empire and the Sapphire Sea , Thassa calls to many merchants and traders from all corners of Ardicil. From the far off exotic city of Candlekeep to the cold frozen warriors of Volksgrad , Thassa caters to all.   Powerful banking clans run the city, who have been made legitimate by being made particians by the emperor himself. These banking clans have spread their influence like tendrils around the various governmental structures of not only the Empire, but also local governments as well. Banking agents trained here can be found operating as far away as the far coasts of Olorin, peddling out loans to nobles from Arden or Suderland in desperate need of coin. As long as the Great Rama Empire benefits from these agents, they allow them to continue. Although, every once in a while the Emperor will tear through the streets of Thassa, arresting and rounding up high ranking members who inevitably try to contest the power of the government.     Because of this, the banks have begun to recruit from powerful families around Thassa, gaining their loyalty for generations. These families become like minor nobility within the city, and are constantly trying to compete with and undercut each other. While they do not fight openly, as has been made illegal by Empire, they have under their employ dangerous cutthroats and spies, who act as a blade in the dark away from the prying eyes of imperial authority.
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