Ramas Settlement in Ardicil | World Anvil


Magnificent and wonderous are the words many would describe the capitol of the Great Rama Empire and the political center of Ramulan. Home to the cultures of hundreds of thousands of peoples, Ramas has second largest population in all of Ardicil. Home to the Grand Emperor and his royal house, it is here that the many differing views within the empire collide together with the rest of Ardicil. The influences of all corners of Dramaekia can be found here. Traders hailing from Morgol can be seen mingling with ship captains hailing from Port Restand, dwarf lords from Gundabad can be found consorting with swashbucklers from Torlo.   These various clashing views are all highlighted in the Grand Delegation, where the Imperial Particians endlessly debate under the buckling weight of size of the empire. To live in Ramas, is to live at the supposed center of Ardicil. Or at least that is how the emperor would put it. Hundreds of ships and airships arrive and depart each day, making this one of the most profitable port cities on the material plane, rivaled only by Straatos, the seed from which Ramas has grown.   Ramas is in constant competition with The Straatos Republic , its former colonizer now turned to democracy and left the Ramani people to their own devices. Ramas is known for many things, but one of its greatest achievements is the magically powered public tram system that weaves in and out of the high reaching buildings and districts of the city.
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