
Kaifang has a long history of being tied to a widespread criminal enterprise known as the Iron Eye. The city and the crime syndicate were so intertwined through corrupt back room dealings and bought out politicians. Eventually the official monarch of Kaifang abdicated his throne and his titles to the Eye's crime boss. Now the criminals do business in the open streets, legalized and empowered to spread their tendrils to other lands.   The city itself functions like most cities would, save for the fact the authority figures here are hardened criminals who earned their place serving the Eye's interests abroad or at home. Instead of running protection rackets, they now collect taxes. Now instead of illegal brothels and gambling dens, the city has propped up and built massive buildings of sin that tourists flock from all over to indulge themselves in.   The city is built around a series of wetlands and a lattice of canals that all lead to the city's center. At the center of it all lies the palace, a majestic showing of oppulance built by the Kaifang's monarchs many moons ago. Now it is a den of all manner of sin, and only the inner most sanctum is reserved for the Eye's Shadow King. The Diamond District is known for its massive casinos, gambling halls, and drug dens. The tiger district, in the city's north, is known for its fighting pits and coliseums, filled with all manner of beasts that have been captured from every corner of the world. Those who wish to put their life on the line here stand to gain renown and wealth unimaginable. In the East lies the Spider district, where the Iron Eye first originated. Now the district has mostly fallen to ruin, being mostly slums and living quarters for the worst off citizens. The southern district is known as the Trade District, where incoming ships and traders peddle their wares.   Kaifang is notoriously secular, the Iron Eye does not lean towards one particular deity, nor do they promote any. But it does have a handful of temples dedicated to the gods, both good an evil.
Large city
Location under