Thay Settlement in Ardicil | World Anvil


Long ago, the regions surrounding Thay was that of a lush and beautiful elven court, ruled by the Von Imortui Family. It is not common knowledge what exactly occurred to create the deadlands, as records are scarce and purposely obfuscated. The primary school of thought in places like Ramas, Straatos and Grimgolir are that the Von Imortui Family many years ago was beset by Teritus, The Plague Lord. Unable to garner any of the favor of the Prime Dieites, the family turned towards Myrkul, The Lord of Bones, and became some of the very first Vampires. They continue to fight off an infested land, using their powers over the undead to crush cults of the Plague Lord.     The town itself is a refuge to those seeking respite from the dangerous lands of Necrophast around them. With people traveling through the lands just as likely to die from a plague demon as they are an unleashed undead abomination. Those who do live here are centered around the Von Imortui Family family castle towards the center of town, and also attached is the largest temple, dedicated to Myrkul, The Lord of Bones. There is a smaller temple also dedicated to Malar, The Beastlord.
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