
Nestled on the Opal Bay, lies the massive metropolis of Straatos. Viewed by many as the center of the entirety of Ardicil, Straatos is the most populated city in all of the realms. The metropolis sprawls for miles and miles, and is home to all manner of races, religions, and cultures. Straatos has come to prominence through its widespread and influential mercantile economy, as well as the influence it once asserted several hundred years ago as the Straatan Empire. The Empire had spread to both continents before collapsing on itself, and now forms the two rivals of Straatos and Ramas.   Since then, the Straatosi society has evolved, both socially, politically, and economically. Where once stood the mighty Emperors now lies The Twelve, elected democratically by all citizens of Straatos. Where there was once an iron fist of rule of Mesia and Preslia, there is now an alliance of mutual understanding and respect between the three cities. It is uneasy at times, yet the peace holds.   The architectural and academic marvels of Straatos testify to the achievements of civilized humanity. The streets are paved with bricks made in interlocking geometric shapes, meant to demonstrate principles of both mathematics and magic. Grand temples line the streets, testifying to the Meletians’ devotion to the gods. These rise as both mighty bastions dedicated to individual deities and various neighborhood shrines devoted to the pantheon as a whole. Inside the city, the wild lands feel like a remote threat. Perils from the sea present more obvious dangers, but a great sea wall protects the polis’s port, while a lengthy channel cuts through the surrounding land to reach Straatos Harbor on the Opal Bay.


The city is primarily human, yet there are representatives of almost every race in Straatos. Most of these varying races have created their own smaller communities within the city itself, and finding each enclave will allow someone to find goods or foods specific to that culture.


The city is maintained and ruled by a council known as The Twelve. Democratically elected every 5 years, each council member exerts control over a certain Sphere. Each sphere has its own responsibilities, and some will work with the others to achieve their goals or as needed.


The metropolis sits squarely on the shores of the Opal Bay, and the smell of saltwater constantly permeates the wards nearby the water. In the center of the city, directly over looking the water lies the Castle District, home to The Twelve, and the other buildings that help turn the cogs of civilization. The jewel of the Castle District is the massive towering structure of the Hall of Imperium. Hundreds of feet tall, this is a relic of the Straatan empire, and now serves as an open public forum. Each Sphere of Influence also occupies a section of the Hall. At the base of the Hall of Imperium, lies the Greenvine Enclanve, a massive park that is dedicated to Silvanus, The Old Oak and is maintained by his priests, clerics and other servants.   To the north of the Hall of Imperium lies the Port of Straatos. Home to the shipping industry and the docks, the Port of Straatos is a bustling hub of pop up markets, fish mongers, and massive logistics operations. Tightly controlled by the Dock Masters Guild, the Port is highly organized and well-run to ensure there are no hold ups.     West of the Port of Straatos, and by far the largest of the various sections of the city, lies the Opal Streets. Most of the Opal Streets consists of six to seven story tall apartment like buildings that each feature some kind of shop or workshop on the bottom floor, while the upper floors are mostly reserved for housing. There are also a series of inns and drinking halls in the center of the Opal Streets, known as the Sparkle Ward. It is also home to the infamous Derin's Delights and the Silver Quill. When people want to have a night out in Straatos, they go here.   Just overlooking the Opal Streets to the West, on a series of cutbacks and hills lies the Oracle's Hold. This is the religious center of the city, and contains the vast majority of cathedrals and centers of worship for the deities within Straatos. While there are paltry amount of chapels and localized places of worship around the metropolis, it is in the Oracle's Hold that they all answer to.   Located to the south of the city, just outside of the city walls lies Fogfield. In the recent decades, Fogfield has risen up as a series of slums. The primary residents of the Fogfield consists of the poorer residents of the metropolis, and a seedy underbelly has begun to take root here. The guard does what it can, and the Spheres of Medicine, Information and Law and Justice have all been working in tandem to try to alleviate some of the pressure that is being created here. Ramshackle buildings, standing several stories tall and tightly packed, are found regularly here. Tight streets and alleys can turn Fogfield into a bit of a maze for those who are unfamiliar with its layout.   To the north of the city, just past the Opal Streets like Pyrgnos. Pyrgnos stands as a beacon of knowledge and learning, key traits to the polis of Straatos. At the center of the smaller district lies the Dekatoria, a massive magical academy, bardic college, and divine site all wrapped up into one. It is home to the Beacon, a massive tower, hundreds of feet tall, plated with arcane runes that shine with knowledge of the history of Straatos. At night, the tower glows like a beacon to all of those in the city. This ward is also home to the magical shops and stores in the metropolis.   To the East of Pyrgnos, on a hill leading down into the city proper, lies the Herald's Pass. As of the most recent years, the Herald's Pass has turned into center for the wealthy and rich in the city. Instead of tall stacked insulae (apartments), there are mansions and compounds built here. Each house is varied in size, but they enjoy much more room and space than those who live in the apartments in the Opal Streets. Many of these houses also feature beautiful gardens, pools, or courtyards located in the center of each, and have wrapping balconies on a second floor in the exterior. Some of these buildings have hired guards standing watch outside.   Finally, just to the North of the Herald's Pass lies the Northgate, a small training ground for the city watch and locale for some of the military assets within the city. It is small, and nestled up against the walls itself, but the military presence here is very clear.
Founding Date
Roughly 1200 Post-Calamity
Location under
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present

Articles under Straatos