Serf of Tsirakan

Essentially the labor class of the Glorylands of Tsirakan, the serfs or serfdom are the slaves of the nation. They perform all menial labor, though some operate in specialized classes, such as teachers, artists, or even researchers. "Serf" is considered a bit of a misnomer by some, and it is not always clear whether the serf in question belongs to a particular citizen or to that citizen's land. Most serfs are traded or sold along with the property where they work, though this is far less true with specialized servants.   Slavery works very differently in Tsirakan than in Mornalith, which operates on a chattel system. In Tsirakan, anyone may sell themselves into slavery, but slavery cannot be forced on anyone, nor can it be inherited. Of course, many poor people, when faced with crushing debt or when punished with enormous fines, feel they have no choice but to sell themselves into slavery, but the distinction is considered vitally important.   Children are not considered to hold any caste rank until they reach twenty years of age. At twenty, anyone who was born in Tsirakan to two parents who are both members of the community may then join the ranks of the Liberal or sell themselves into slavery. Both options are available to everyone, even the children of slaves. Full citizenship is only granted by the gift of land from a landowning citizen. Attempting to grant land to a slave or to anyone without full Zira Zrai heritage results in the seizure of that land by the Prosai.
Civic, Citizenship
Alternative Naming
Slave, Menial
Length of Term
Agreed upon by contract